Poisoned Puppet quests

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Revision as of 12:29, 23 March 2018 by Catalisha (Talkcontribs)

First quest chain (available since level 15)

1. Desire for freedom - Hallway

2. Window in the door - Obtain unknown key (Any rat/raven, after 4 attempts)

3. Rusty keys - Obtain 2 keys from rats and ravens

4. Diagnosis - Living room, against time

5. Adsorbents - Basement, (after 6 challenges)

6. Antibiotics - Film theater, antibiotics (after 6 challenges)

7. Decoction - Children's room, night, decoction (after 1 challenge)

8. A fairy tale for fools - Library,Panacea (after 3 challenges)

9. On the other side of the door - Go through the challenge with the puppet

10. Secret room - Cellar

11. Poisoned puppet - Go through the challenge with the puppet

12. Secret diary - Cellar.Find page 1 of the Poisoner's diary (after 6 challenges)

13. Recipe of the drink - Kitchen, Black currant juice (after 11 challenges)

14.Mulberry juice - Attic, mulberry juice (after 11 challenges)

15. Aronia juice - Basement, Aronia juice ( after 6 challenges)

16. The mystery of the missing pots - Kitchen

17. pH-factor - Children's room, Litmus strip (after 6 challenges)

18. Secret of the poison - Put together the "Poison analyzer" collection

19. Other pages of the diary - Cellar. Find page 5 of the Poisoned One's diary

20.Puppeteer's mysteries - Cellar. Find page 5 of the Poisoner's diary

Second quest chain of the poisoned puppet.

1. Emergency assistance - Living room. Find mortar and pestle (after 5 challenges)

2. The danger has passed - Basement

3. New information - Cellar.Find page 9 of the Poisoner's diary

4. Chemical stuff- Living room

5. Unexpected indiscretion - Cellar, against time

6. Tailed runaway - Cellar, shadows, 2 times

7. Indiscriminate catching - Catch 5 grey rats on the house plan

8. The charm of imprisonment - Cellar. Find page 11 of the Poisoned One's diary

9. Scraps in the kitchen - Kitchen, words

10. Second half - Hallway, words

11. Three is better than two - Living room, words

12. Mockery - Basement, words

13.Escape attempts - Cellar. Find page 13 of the Poisoned One's diary

14. Tracing the victim - Library,words

15. First letter - Any room (except of paid ones). Technician (after 3 challenges)

16. Second letter - Any room (except of paid ones), Acrobat (after 4 challenges)

17. Third message - Any room (except of paid ones).Judge (after 4 challenges)

18. Fourth letter - Any room (except of paid ones). Doctor (after 5 challenges)

19. Last letter - Any room (except of paid ones). Artist (after 5 challenges)

20. Revived memory - Put together the "Survivors" collection

21. Killer installed - Cellar, Find page 16 of the Poisoner's diary

22. Cries and pleas - Hallway

23.Friendly support - Kitchen, shadows

24.Jar with a secret - Cellar. Find page 18 of the Poisoner's diary

25.Old things - Any room (except of paid ones). Used light bomb (after 3 challenges)

26. Acute eyesight - Living room, Broken glasses (after 3 challenges)

27. Substitution in the basement - Basement. Junk electromagnet (after 4 challenges)

28. Another discovery - Kitchen. Broken bracelet (after 4 challenges)

29. Belongings of the sufferer - Put together the "Broken weapons" collection

30. Another secret revealed - Cellar. Find page 22 of the Poisoned One's diary

Third quest chain of the poisoned puppet.

1. Anti-venom - Basement

2. Little problem - Any room (except of paid ones), Find 3 brushes, 3 glues, 3 tapes

3. Fixing - Basement

4.Without mercy

5. Cellar - Find page 23 of the Poisoned One's diary

6. Without conscience - Cellar.Find page 23 of the Poisoner's diary

7. Unpunished evil - Cellar. Find page 24 of the Poisoner's diary

8. Labor not in vain - Cellar. Find page 24 of the Poisoned One's diary

9. Difficulties - Put together the "Cellar" puzzle

10. In search of poison - Cellar, cache

11. Hero of the day - Cellar. Find page 26 of the Poisoner's diary

12. Shattered hopes - Cellar. Find page 27 of the Poisoner's diary

13. Terrible decision - Cellar. Find page 28 of the Poisoner's diary

14. Ensnared - Cellar, night

15. Awful tortures - Cellar. Find page 25 of the Poisoned One's diary

16. Ready for a crime - Cellar. Find page 31 of the Poisoner's diary

17. Failure - Cellar. Find page 32 of the Poisoner's diary

18. Invisible attack - Any room (except of paid ones). Find tape and 3 sacks

19. The consequences of leaks - Kitchen, words

20. Chemical tricks - Living room, words

21.In search for aroma - Any room (except of paid ones). Find 3 incenses

22. The right medicine - Any room (except of paid ones). Find 3 adsorbents

23. The tragic accident - Cellar. Find page 33 of the Poisoner's diary

24. Late truth - Cellar. Find page 26 of the Poisoned One's diary

25. Where is the watch? - Cellar, cache

26. Among the animals - Cellar. Find page 35 of the Poisoner's diary

27. Mere chance - Cellar. Find page 39 of the Poisoner's diary

28. Looking for continuation - Living room, cache

29. Open-ended - Cellar. Find page 27 of the Poisoned One's diary

30. Searches in the past - Library, invisible ink

31. Hook - Cellar, cache

Fourth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1.Deathbed message - Basement, words, after 1 challenge

2.Premonition came true - Library, words, after 3 challenges

3. Watch face - Living room, night, after 3 challenges

4. Another spare part - Attic, shadows, after 4 challenges

5. Framework search - Hallway, invisible ink, after 2 challenges

6. Initials - Children's room, invisible ink, after 2 challenges

7. Watch of luck - Put together the "Clock of freedom" collection

8. Exit is found! - Cellar, cache

9. Repetition of lesson - Cure the poisoned puppet 2 times

10. The third opinion - Cellar. Find page 3 of the Puppeteer's memories

11. Lock-out in the cellar - Cellar. Find page 5 of the Puppeteer's memories

12. Uninvited guest - Cellar. Find page 7 of the Puppeteer's memories

13. Invisible handwriting - Any 3 rooms , invisible ink

14. Coincidence - Cellar. Find page 9 of the Puppeteer's memories

15. Double monitoring - Cellar. Find page 11 of the Puppeteer's memories

16. Crucial moment - Cellar. Find page 14 of the Puppeteer's memories

17. Ahead of time - Any 3 rooms, against time

18. No aid - Cellar. Find page 16 of the Puppeteer's memories

19. Death - Cellar. Find page 19 of the Puppeteer's memories

20. Flight of fancy - Cellar. Find page 20 of the Puppeteer's memories

21. Cool down - Any 3 rooms, fall into any 2 traps

22. Changing behavior - Cellar. Find page 21 of the Puppeteer's memories

23. Madness or something else? - Cellar.Find page 22 of the Puppeteer's memories

24. What's in the cellar? - Cellar. Find page 23 of the Puppeteer's memories

25. Nightmare for the Puppeteer - Cellar. Find page 24 of the Puppeteer's memories

26. Strange and scary - Cellar. Find page 25 of the Puppeteer's memories

27. Horrible finale - Cellar. Find page 27 of the Puppeteer's memories

28. Discussion - Living room, words

29. Puppet with a "surprise" - Cellar. Find page 41 of the Poisoner's diary

30. Laughter of the invisible - Cellar. Find page 43 of the Poisoner's diary

Fifth quest chain of the poisoned puppet.

1. Whispers and dreams - Cellar. Find page 46 of the Poisoner's diary

2. New acquaintance - Cellar. Find page 47 of the Poisoner's diary

3.Sick mind - Cellar. Find page 49 of the Poisoner's diary

4. Strange pages - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

5. Abomination - Cellar. Find page 50 of the Poisoner's diary

6. Burned face - Cellar.Find page 51of the Poisoner's diary

7.Evidence - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

8. Vision - Cellar. Find page 52 of the Poisoner's diary

9. Looking for the clues - Cellar, cache, after 1 challenge

10. Does the Puppeteer know? - Living room, against time, after 1 challenge

11. Second twin - Cellar. Find page 53 of the Poisoner's diary

12. Spirits of the dead - Children's room, words, after 1 challenge

13. Connection attempt - Children's room, Cellar, Attic, Basement, shadows. Go through each room once in the needed mode

14. Another cache - Cellar. Find page 54 of the Poisoner's diary

15. True description - Library, cache, after 1 challenge

16. Wishes of the dead - Cellar. Find page 55 of the Poisoner's diary

17. Lead to the cellar - Cellar. Find page 57 of the Poisoner's diary

18. Refill the stock - Cure the poisoned puppet

19. The Germans - Cellar. Find page 58 of the Poisoner's diary

20. Old photos - Library, cache, after 1 challenge

21. Shot-gun ally - Kitchen, words, Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

22. Mystery of the cellar - Cellar. Find page 59 of the Poisoner's diary

23. Versions and potions - Cellar. Find page 60 of the Poisoner's diary

24. Appearance - Attic, shadows, after 1 challenge

25. What do they want? - Library, words, after 1 challenge

26. Situation has changed - Cellar. Go through the room 3 times

27. Believe it or not - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

28. Searches - Any 3 rooms, invisible ink

29. Contact the Ghost - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

30. Order to stop - Attic, cache, 1 challenge

Sixth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Quick search - Children's room, against time, after 2 challenges

2. Soil - Kitchen, against time, after 2 challenges

3. Magic tree - Living room, against time, after 3 challenges

4. Punishment - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

5. How to help Jenny? - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

6. Inspect the trap - Kitchen, shadows, after 1 challenge

7. Ask for plaster - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

8. Underground blacksmith - Kitchen, Basement, Hallway, Attic, Film theater, Lair. Find 3 tins

9. Diversion - Any room 3.Fall in trap

10. Night raid - Kitchen, night, 1 challenge

11. Defender - Hallway, against time, after 1 challenge

12. Castle - Attic, against time, after 1 challenge

13. Florarium - Put together the "Florarium" collection

14. New friends - Children's room, shadows, after 1 challenge

15. Get protection - Cure the poisoned puppet

16. Trouble - Cellar, after 1 challenge.

17. Repeated poisoning - All rooms except of paid ones. Find compresses and 5 mysterious pills

18. Find the defect - Basement, shadows, after 1 challenge

19. Solution to the problem - All rooms except of paid ones. Find 5 adsorbents

20. Bloody toys - Find page 61 of the Poisoner's diary

21. Persuasion - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

22. Letters - Find page 63 of the Poisoner's diary

23. Hatred of the spouses - Find page 64 of the Poisoner's diary

24. Sad Oscar - Children's room, shadows, after 1 challenge

25. Poison as salvation - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

26. Ghostly interference - Find page 66 of the Poisoner's diary

27. Dark experiments - Find page 67 of the Poisoner's diary

28. The terrible truth - Find page 68 of the Poisoner's diary

29. Grave memory - Children's room, shadows, after 1 challenge

30. Stupid behavior - Find page 71 of the Poisoner's diary

Seventh quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Confrontation - Find page 72 of the Poisoner's diary

2. Childhood - Find page 73 of the Poisoner's diary

3. Language of firе - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

4. Another sign - Hallway, words, after 1 challenge

5. Cipher - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

6. Third message - Children's room, words, after 1 challenge

7. Deciphering - Basement, words, after 1 challenge

8. Standard challenge - Cure the poisoned puppet

9. Frightening details - Cellar. Find page 74 of the Poisoner's diary

10. Death of an innocent person - Cellar. Find page 75 of the Poisoner's diary

11. Stolen information - Cellar. Find page 76 of the Poisoner's diary

12. Hypnosis - Cellar. Find page 77 of the Poisoner's diary

13. Boy's help - Cellar. Find page 78 of the Poisoner's diary

14. Killer - Cellar. Find page 79 of the Poisoner's diary

15. To kill a demon - Cellar. Find page 80 of the Poisoner's diary

16. Premortem writings - Cellar. Find page 81 of the Poisoner's diary

17. Unbelief - Cellar. Find page 28 of the Puppeteer's memories

18. Analysis - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

19. Words of the dead - Children's room, shadows, after 1 challenge

20. A sad discovery - Children's room, after 3 challenges

21. What's in the basement? - Basement, shadows, after 1 challenge

22. A nasty surprise - Basement, after 4 challenges

23. Hidden in the living room - Living room, shadows, after 1 challenge

24. A piece from the past - Living room, after 5 challenges

25. Book depository - Library, shadows, after 1 challenge

26. Unusual key - Library, after 5 challenges

27. The last hint - Attic, shadows, after 1 challenge

28. Old papers - Attic, after 6 challenges

29. Murder weapon - Put together the "Vengeance" collection

30. Motive of the murder - Children's room, words, after 1 challenge

Eighth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Connection attempt - Children's room, shadows, after 1 challenge

2. Pranks, Living room, Attic, against time, each room after 1 challenge

3. Faint - Library, shadows, after 1 challenge

4. The heavy silence - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

5. Wind chime - Ugrade wind chime in Jenny's room

6. Loss - Basement, words, after 1 challenge

7. Suspicions - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

8. Something bad - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

9. In captivity - Cellar, Night, after 1 challenge

10. Broke filter - Cure the poisoned puppet

11. Change the filter - Cellar, against time, after 1 challenge

12. A sad duty - Cellar

13. Safety in inaction - Children's room, words, after 1 challenge

14. Release - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

15. Breathing and pulse - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

16. The conversation - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

17. Request for help - Basement, after 1 challenge, catch 5 white ravens

18. Provide raw materials - Attic, Hallway, Basement, Attic (Find 3 wires), Hallway, after 3 challenges, Basement, after 4 challenges)

19. Push evil - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

20. In search of important - Cellar, Activate the "Bad thoughts" amulet, Cellar after 5 challenges

21. One piece - Kitchen, shadows, after 1 challenge

22. Image - Put together the "Exile" puzzle

23. Redemption plan - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

24. Poisoned story - Put together the "Poisoned story" collection

25. We need ignition! - Kitchen, Library.Kitchen, after 4 challenges. Library, after 2 challenges

26.Precaution - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

27. Burn the demon! - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge

28. Victory - Cellar, Children's room, Attic, against time, all 3 rooms after 1 challenge

29. New facts - Library, words, after 1 challenge

30. By a whisker - Hallway, shadows, after 1 challenge

31. Respite - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

Ninth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Breaking the silence - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

2. Versions and suspicions - Basement, words, after 1 challenge

3. Emergency treatment - Cure the poisoned puppet

4. Mystery behind the wall - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

5. Truth or lies? - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

6. Mystery of the cellar - Cellar, fall into 3 traps

7. Permission - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

8. Through the wall - Cellar, Night, after 1 challenge

9. Water for the thirsty - Find pure water from rats and crows

10. First conversation - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

11. Doctor, help! - Living room, words, after 3 challenges

12. The man behind the wall - Cellar, Night, after 1 challenge

13. Preventing starvation - Kitchen, words, after 1 challenge. Collect 10 cookies in friends' rooms.

14. Plenty of practice - Find mysterious pills and compress in the Cellar

15. To feed and to heal - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

16. Helping the dead - Cure the poisoned puppet

17. An improvised mask - Find Bandages (Living room/ Library/ Bedroom), Warmer from rats and crows, Adsorbent in the Cellar after 3 challenge.

18. Survivor - Cellar, Night, after 1 challenge

19. The Puppeteer's new game - Living room, shadows, after 1 challenge

20. Eye-lens - Attic, Cache, after 2 challenges

21. Antique box - Basement, Cache, after 3 challenges

22. Holders - Hallway, Cache, after 2 challenges

23. Slide - Film theater, Cache, after 3 challenges

24. Glass screen - Library, Cache, after 4 challenges

25. Stereoscope - Complete collection

26. The game is afoot - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

The tenth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Homecoming - Kitchen, Cache, after 2 challenges

2. House of his childhood - Living room, Cache, after 3 challenges

3. Scavenger - Basement, Cache, after 2 challenges

4. Books and wine - Hallway, Cache, after 3 challenges

5. Memories of youth - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

6. Timeline - Living room, shadows, after 1 challenge

7. A local author - Library, Invisible ink, after 2 challenges

8. Materials for the filters - Cure the poisoned puppet

9. Lunch for Peter - Kitchen, Against time, after 1 challenge

10. Decline - Cellar, Against time, after 1 challenge

11. Snuffle - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

12. Warm clothes - Kitchen, shadows, after 1 challenge

13. Returning Jim's medicine - Basement and Library - Against time, find Clear water from rats and crows

14. Treating the living - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

15. The Puppeteer's offer - Hallway, Against time, after 1 challenge

16. Beauty's reward - Hallway, Against time, after 2 challenges

17. A chair or a throne? - Living room, Against time, after 3 challenges

18. Women's tricks - Kitchen, Against time, after 2 challenges

19. Garment - Children's room, Against time, after 2 challenges

20. An improvisation - Cellar, Against time, after 3 challenges

21. Gold token - Get a rose token from the rats and ravens.

22. Silver token - Get an apple token from the rats and ravens.

23. Crystal token - Get a shoe token from the rats and ravens.

24. Nameless princess - Complete the Nameless princess collection.

25. Unwanted memories - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

26. Treatment - Cure the poisoned puppet

27. Fifth page - Attic, Cache, after 3 challenges

28. Murder - Attic, Cache, after 2 challenges

29. Dead princess - Cellar, Against time, after 3 challenges

30. Past events - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

The Eleventh quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Calm - Find page 9 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode.

2. Bunny surprise - Find page 10 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode.

3. Look at the clock - Cure the poisoned puppet

4. Replacing filters - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

5. Ready for draught - Get 100 glasses of clear water

6. Tool of destruction - Find a sledgehammer in various rooms of the house (Basement/ Hallway/ Library/ Attic/ Winter Garden/ Lair/ Photolab/ Bathroom/Indian Room/ Attic/ Abandoned room)

7. Breaking the wall - Cellar, Against time, after 1 challenge

8. Nightmares and gin - Find page 11 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode, after 2 challenges

9. His second performance - Find page 12 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode, after 3 challenges

10. Missing equipment - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

11. Let's play - Living room, Against time, after 1 challenge

12. Anagrams - Go through the library in the “invisible ink” mode, after 3 challenges. Go through the library in the “words” mode, after 3 challenges.

13. Sleight of hand - Catch 5 black ravens, 5 gray rats, 5 white ravens and 5 white rats

14. Good and evil - Perform 10 dark karmic actions and 10 light karmic actions in your friends' rooms.

15. High speed - Go through 5 rooms in the "against time" mode.

16. Weapon of truth and lies - Find the brush in the rooms of the house. ( Children's room/ Lair/ Abandoned room/ Photolab/ Bathroom/Indian Room/ Attic)

17. Collect your reward - Cellar, Cache, after 3 challenges

18. Recharging the gas mask - Cure the poisoned puppet

19. Third gas mask - Cellar, words, after 1 challenge

20. Chloe's dress - Find page 13 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode, after 2 challenges

21. An image living and dead - Find page 14 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode, after 3 challenges

22. Princess' bed - Cellar, after 3 challenges

23. Flower to flower - Cellar, after 2 challenges

24. Sent to sleep and immobilized - Cellar, after 3 challenges

25. Locks - Cellar, after 2 challenges

26. Aurora - Cellar, after 4 challenges

27. Tokens - Obtain a rose token, a shoe token and an apple token from rats and ravens.

28. Sleeping Beauty - Put together the Sleeping Beauty collection.

29. The second victim - Cellar, shadows, after 1 challenge

30. Not enough facts - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

The Twelfth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. The Storyteller - Find pages 15, 16, 17 of Peter's diary in the Kitchen in the cache mode

2. Beauty - Find page 18 of Peter's diary in the hallway in the cache mode.

3. Dream - Find page 19 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode.

4. Missing person - Find page 20 of Peter's diary in the children's room in the cache mode.

5. Difficulties - Go through any 4 rooms in less than 30 seconds

6. Empty cache - Cellar, shadows

7. Growing skill - Go through Cellar, Attic, Library, Children's room while falling into two traps.

8. Quick! Heal! - Cure the poisoned puppet

9. Meredith - Find page 21 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

10. The Puppeteer's chase - Go through any 4 rooms in the against time mode

11. Slow and steady - Go through 4 rooms in more than 120 seconds.

12. No lighting - Go through 4 rooms in the night mode

13. Plush doll - Find page 22 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode

14. Encore - Cure the poisoned puppet

15. Vision screening - Go through 4 rooms in the Invisible ink mode

16. Wings - Find Magic wings in the Cellar

17. Magic dress - Find a fairy costume in the Cellar

18. Young - Find a Beanie baby in the Cellar

19. Fireflies - Find a Firefly in the Cellar

20. Tree - Find a Dead tree in the Cellar

21. Missing components - Get a rose token from the rats and ravens.

22. Silver apple - Get an apple token from the rats and ravens

23. The Puppeteer's lesson - Get a shoe token from the rats and ravens.

24. Thumbelina - Complete the Thumbelina collection.

25. Third victim - Cellar, Against time

The Thirteenth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Neighbor girl - Find page 25 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

2. Intuition - Find page 26 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode.

3. Tea with an admirer - Find page 27 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

4. Failure - Find page 28 of Peter's diary in the hall in the cache mode.

5. Leaving traces - Find page 29 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode.

6. Clue - Find page 30 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

7. Jim's idea - Go through 3 rooms in the against time mode

8. Searching with Jim - Go through the library in the Invisible ink mode (3 times)

9. Desire to know - Cure the poisoned puppet

10. Common element - Find the Water tower in the cellar

11. Princess - Find the Princess in the cellar

12. Distinctive mark - Find Braid in the cellar

13. Mistake - Find the Photographic evidence in the cellar

14. Hidden clue - Find the Hidden clue in the cellar

15. Quiet hunt - Catch 3 grey rats and 3 black ravens in front of the house.

16. Prisoner - Complete the Prisoner in the tower collection.

17. Awkward situation - Kitchen, words mode

18. Victims of beauty - Cellar, words mode

19. Silence - Kitchen, words mode

20. Looking for candles - Collect 30 candles in various rooms of the house.

21. Cleaning the bathroom - Go through the bathroom in night and shadows modes

22. Earring in the fountain - Explore the fountain in the inner yard.

23. Where is he? - Go through the basement in shadows mode (2 times)

24. Room search - Perform 10 dark karmic actions and 10 light karmic actions in your friends' rooms

25. Under suspicion - Examine the blanket in Jenny's room

26. Double loss - Cure the poisoned puppet

27. Meeting Peter - Cellar in the against time mode

28. What did Jenny learn? - Kitchen, words

29. Sympathy - Cellar in the against time mode

The Fourteenth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Change of attitude - Find page 33 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode

2. Abandoned house - Find page 34 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode

3. Holiday memories - Find page 35 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode

4. Much needed medicine - Cure the poisoned puppet

5. Secret conversation - Living room, words, after 1 challenge

6. Keeping secrets from Jack - Living room, shadows, after 1 challenge

7. Abysmal handwriting - Go through Attic and Library in cache mode

8. In the garage? In the stanza? - Go through the garage and the stanza in the cache mode

9. Healing rewards - Cure the poisoned puppet

10. Hidden in the bushes - Examine the fountain and the bushes in the yard (1 click each)

11. Doctor's prescription - Living room in the Invisible ink mode. Find 20 glasses of clear water

12. Meeting in darkness - Cellar in the night mode

13. Nightmare after Christmas - Find page 36 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

14. Special beauty - Find page 37 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

15. Victims are connected! - Find page 38 of Peter's diary in the children's room in the cache mode.

16. Рieces of the plan - Cellar, after 4 challenges

17. Adhesive tape - Cellar, after 6 challenges

18. Faded ink - Cellar, after 5 challenges

19. Key to the plan - Cellar, after 6 challenges

20. Marker - Cellar, after 4 challenges

21. Paper and scissors - Find Paper, Scissors and Glue

22. Niche plan - Complete the niche plan collection

23. The Puppeteer's questions - Hallway, against time

24. Crime scene - Cellar in the cache mode, after 3 challenges

25. Bed - Cellar in the cache mode, after 6 challenges

26. Round and hard - Cellar in the cache mode, after 5 challenges

27. Poor eyesight - Cellar in the cache mode, after 3 challenges

28. Mysterious skin - Cellar in the cache mode, after 6 challenges

29. Princess and the Pea - Complete the Princess and the Pea collection

30. Fainting spell - Cellar, words

The Fifteenth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Let me die - Go through the Cellar in against time

2. Convincing Jenny - Kitchen, words

3. Breaking into the attic - Find page 41 of Peter's diary in the library in the cache mode.

4. Not dreams but memories - Find page 42 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

5. Grimsborough in love - Find page 43 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode.

6. Nightmarish February - Find page 44 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode.

7. Puppet - Cure the poisoned puppet

8. Dwarf - Cellar in the night mode

9. Parking lot - Find the Park miniature in the Cellar in the night mode

10. Vile delicacy - Find a Poisoned apple in the Cellar in the night mode

11. Shards of glass - Find a Broken cut-glass in the Cellar in the night mode

12. Sweet treat - Find Cakes in the Cellar in the night mode

13. Snow White - Complete the Snow White collection.

14. Pills and cold packs - Cure the poisoned puppet

15. Pivotal point - Find pages 45 and 46 of Peter's diary

16. Connection between victims - Find page 47 of Peter's diary in the library in the cache mode.

17. Chloe's party - Find page 48 of Peter's diary in the library in the cache mode.

18. Poisoned by envy - Find page 49 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode.

19. Meredith's indecisiveness - Find page 49 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

20. Caroline's loneliness - Find page 51 of Peter's diary in the bathroom in the against time mode.

21. Rosalie, the angel - Find page 52 of Peter's diary in the film theater in the cache mode.

22. Cassandra's kindness - Find page 53 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode..

23. Chloe's last party - Find page 54 of Peter's diary in the stanza in the cache mode.

24. Aurora's image - Find page 55 of Peter's diary in the library in the cache mode.

25. Doomed meeting - Find page 56 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode..

26. Murdering prince - Find page 57 of Peter's diary in the attic in the cache mode..

27. Holiday "Gifts" - Find page 58 of Peter's diary in the film theater in the cache mode.

28. Killing "assistance" - Find page 59 of Peter's diary in the bathroom in the against time mode.

29. Shifting the emphasis - Find page 60 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode.

30. The Puppeteer's cruel game - Living room, words

The Sixteenth quest chain of the Poisoned puppet.

1. Protection upgrade - Living room, words

2. Gas-proof fabric - Find the Gas-proof fabric in the Cellar

3. Hand protection - Find Protective gloves in the Cellar

4. Protect the legs - Find Protective boots in the Cellar

5. Head protection - Find Protective helmet in the Cellar

6. Real Cadillac - Find Strong filters in the Cellar

7. Protective suit - Put a Protective suit collection together

8. Indifference and despair - Go through the Cellar in shadows mode

9. How's Peter? - Cure the poisoned puppet

10. Grimborough School - Find page 61 of Peter's diary in the library in the cache mode

11. Burnt wing - Find page 62 of Peter's diary in the cellar in the cache mode

12. Outsider - Find page 63 of Peter's diary in the living room in the cache mode

13. Dark cellar - Find page 64 of Peter's diary in the kitchen in the cache mode

14. Tip-off about the doctor - Find page 65 of Peter's diary in the kitchen in the cache mode

15. Untimely business trip - Find page 66 of Peter's diary in the basement in the cache mode

16. And then there were seven - Find page 67 of Peter's diary in the hallway in the cache mode

17. Possible witness - Find page 68 of Peter's diary in the film theater in the cache mode

18. Return the gas mask - Cure the poisoned puppet

19. Jenny, where art thou? - Go through 3 rooms in against time mode

20. Note from Jenny - Kitchen, words

21. Meeting in the bathroom - bathroom, words

22. Stolen pies - Find 5 pumpkin pies, interacting with decorations in your friends' rooms.

23. Unexpected friendship - Сellar, words

24. Sweet trail - Find Candies in the Cellar

25. Broken childhood - Find Roundabout in the Cellar

26. Cooking unit - Find Oven in the Cellar

27. Gingerbread house - Find Gingerbread house in the Cellar

28. Sweet colors - Find Gum paste and frosting in the Cellar

29. Grethel - Put a Grethel collection together

30. Peter and Jack - Cellar, words

You can read the new diaries here: Diary of the Poisoned one , Diary of the Poisoner , Memoires of the Puppeteer

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