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Пожалуй, мне не помешает записывать происходящие события. Для начала отмечу тот факт, что я заперта в доме какого-то маньяка, называющего себя Кукловодом, и вынуждена проходить его испытания. Если я умру здесь, передайте этот дневник Скотланд-Ярду, пусть он послужит вещественным доказательством.
Perhaps, it could be helpful if I'll write down what's happening. For a start, I'd like to mention the fact that I'm locked in the house of a maniac, that calls himself the Puppeteer, and I have to pass his tests. If I die here, give this diary to Scotland-Yard, it will serve as material evidence.
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Однако, умирать не хочется, да и не так все жутко. По крайней мере, я не одна. Уже познакомилась с Дженни Уоллис - милая девушка, хотя немного странная. Но она тут уже давно, так что, думаю, все нормально. Перебинтовала мне руки (о дверные ручки просто невозможно не порезаться!), накормила салатом. И упомянула еще одного человека - Джека, который проводит какие-то опыты.  
But I don't want to die, and everything is not so terrible as it seemed. At least, I'm not alone. We've already acquainted with Jenny Wallis - nice girl, a bit strange though. But she is staying here for a long time already, and I think everything's OK. She's bandaged my hands (it's impossible not to cut hands with door handles!) and gave me some salad to eat.  
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Стало понятно, почему Дженни иногда странно себя ведет. В 13 лет она попала в автокатастрофу, и у нее развилась частичная амнезия - девушка не помнит своего детства до этого происшествия.  
It's clear now, why Jenny's sometimes so weird. When she was 13 years old she's got into car accident, and has partial amnesia - the girl can't remember her childhood before the accident.  
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Теперь задание дал мне Кукловод. Видимо, ему нравится, когда люди делают что-то неприятное. «Дженни тебе доверяет, тогда подбрось ей записку.» Не стала заглядывать в эту бумажку - мне еще не надоело жить. Он объяснил, что помогает ей вспомнить свободу, но почему она должна ее не помнить? Амнезия распространяется только на события до 13 лет, она же не с тех пор заперта в этом доме!  
Now I've got a task from the Puppeteer. It probably pleasures him, when people do something upsetting. "Jenny trusts you, so put her this note secretly". I didn't look into that paper - I have no death wish yet. He explained that he helps her to remember freedom, but why doesn't she remember? Her amnesia extends to events before she was 13 only, but she wasn't locked in the house since then!  
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Дженни сама показала мне записку. В ней детская загадка про кисти и краски, подразумевается еще одна статуэтка. Нашла художника, и Дженни вспомнила, как склеивала эту статуэтку. Причем именно эту - остались следы клея. Получается, что либо Кукловод принес сюда фигурку из ее дома, либо Дженни была здесь в детстве. Все страньше и страньше, как говорила Кэрроловская Алиса.
Jenny has shown me the note herself. There is a children's riddle in it, about brushes and paints, and one more statuette is implied there. I've found painter, and Jenny remembered, how she's glued this statuette together. Yes, this very statuette, marks of glue are left on it. It turns out that the Puppeteer has brought figurine from her house, or Jenny has already been here in childhood. As Carroll's Alice said, curiouser and curiouser!
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Случайно услышала разговор доктора Джима и его брата Джека. Кажется, отношения у них довольно напряженные. А Дженни, увидев статуэтку музыканта, начала вспоминать какого-то человека, который играл на скрипке, но у нее от этого заболела голова.
Have occasionally heard doctor Jim speaking to his brother Jack. It seems that they have quite a strained relationship. And Jenny, as she's seen a statuette of musician, started remembering someone who've played violin, but it has given her a headache.
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Дженни сказала, что статуэтки похожи на семью, которая жила в этом доме, и она знала их, когда была маленькой. А после аварии ей про них не говорили... Странно, даже если люди уезжают, они могут звонить, писать и приезжать в гости. Разве что уехали в другую страну. Она не хочет выходить из дома, пока не вспомнит все.  
"Jenny said that statuettes look like a family that lived in this house, and she knew them when she was a child. But she's heard nothing about them after the accident... It is strange - even if people are left, they can call, write letters and come on visits. Unless they've moved to another country. Jenny doesn't want to leave the house until she remembers everything.
<br/>Еще Дженни говорит, что дом находится в небольшом городке Вичбридж где-то в английской провинции. Ни номера дома, ни улицы она не помнит. К сожалению, я раньше даже не слышала об этом городе.
She also says that this house is in the small town Witchbridge, somewhere  in English province. She remembers neither number of the house nor the street. Unfortunately, I haven't even heard of this town before."
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Кукловод шутит, открыл для меня подвал и сказал, что я там увижу крыс: "обычных и двуногих". Действительно встретила крысу и Джека. Его повадки напоминают крысиные - в хорошем смысле слова. Защищает свою территорию, может найти применение самым бесполезным вещам (все время что-то ремонтирует) и, как выразился Кукловод, "пытается кусаться".
"The Puppeter's joking - he's opened cellar for me and told that I would find rats there - ""common and biped"". Have really met a rat and Jack. His habits remind of rats - in the good sense of the word. He defenses his territory, finds an application for any useless thing (he always repairs something) and, as Puppeter said, ""tries to bite"".
<br/>У Кукловода вообще странное отношение к крысам: "Крысы бегут с тонущего корабля, пока они здесь, все в порядке". По-моему, из этого дома даже крысе не сбежать!
Puppeter has strange attitude to rats in general: ""Rats run from sinking ship, while they are here, everything's all right"". I suppose, even rat couldn't escape from this house!"
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Нашла для Джека иголку, нитки и булавки - он пытался сам зашить дыру на рубашке, даже более-менее получилось. Похоже, Дженни очень заботится о нем, и его это раздражает. Джек из тех людей, которые ненавидят, когда о них беспокоятся.
Have found needle, threads and pins for Jack - he's tried to mend a hole on hit shirt himself and had even succeed more or less. It seems that Jenny cares of him too much, and it irritates him. Jack is kind of person  who hate when people worry about them.
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Доктор просил помочь ему пополнить аптечку. Вату я уже нашла, а со спиртом получилось забавно - пришлось утащить бутылку из заначки какого-то местного пьянчужки. И я не хочу представлять себе операцию, проводимую портновскими ножницами, швейной иглой и молотком...  
doctor asked to help him with filling up first-aid set. I have already found cotton wool, and it turned out funny with alcohol - I had to filch the bottle from supplies of a local sot. And I don't want even to imagine the operation conducted with tailor's scissors, sewing needle and a hammer...
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Выяснилось, что отношения Джима с братом даже хуже, чем я предполагала, доктор не может спуститься в подвал и взять эфир, из-за того, что там Джек. И в доме есть некая Алиса, которую доктор оперировал... С помощью ножниц, иглы и молотка, видимо. Не мог Кукловод хотя бы хирургические инструменты предоставить?  
It turned out, that Jim's relationship with his brother is even worse than I supposed - doctor can't go down to cellar and take ether because Jack is there. And there is a girl named Alice in the house, who was operated by the doctor. With the help of scissors, needle and hammer, I suppose. Couldn't Puppeter give surgical instruments at least?
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Добрый доктор оказался не так прост - я видела через замочную скважину подвала, как он приносил на кухню продукты. Дженни сказала, что это на него похоже, помогать пленникам дома и Кукловоду одновременно. И такое поведение как-то связано с тем, что он является главой Последователей. Нужно будет узнать о них побольше.
Our kind doctor appeared to be not so simple - I've seen him carrying food to the kitchen through the keyhole of cellar. Jenny said it's like him - to help the prisoners of the house and the Puppeter at the same time. And such behavior is linked somehow with the fact that he is the leader of the Followers. I'd like to know more about them.
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Гоняла по кухне крысу, но она убежала. Джек посоветовал сделать из вазы ловушку, но уже четвертая не подошла. Зато Дженни много интересного про них вспоминает. Она не только была в этом доме, но и очень хорошо знала живущих здесь людей, дружила с ними. Знает, что вазы не антикварные, а просто копии, даже вспомнила, как помогала нести из лавки одну из них.  
Was driving a rat around the kitchen, but it ran away. Jack advised to make a trap from vase, but the forth vase already doesn't fit. But then Jenny remembered many interesting things about them. She has not just already been in this house, but had known its inhabitants well, they used to be friends. She knows that the vases are not antique, but just copies, and has remembered that she helped to bring one of them from the shop.
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Кукловод опять объявился, советует найти дверь, иронизирует. С чего вдруг у него такое хорошее настроение? Вряд ли он ответит на этот вопрос. Но дверь я нашла - впечатляет. Десять замков, деревянная, обитая железом. Такую только тараном выносить. Девять ключей где-то в комнатах, десятый, видимо, у Кукловода.  
The Puppeter turned up again, advises to find the door, speaks ironically. What's the cause of such a good mood? I don't think he'll answer this question. But I have found the door, and it is impressive enough. Ten locks, made of wood, binded with iron. Such door is to be knocked out with battering ram. Nine keys are somewhere in the rooms, the tenth must be kept by the Puppeter.
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С крысой вышло очень странно. Столько времени ее ловили, а в результате решили, что она милая, умная и будет нашим домашним животным. Пустили все вазы на домик для крысы, с ума сойти можно.
It came very strange with the rat. We've been hunting for it for such a long time, but finally decided that it's lovely and clever and it will be our pet. We've used all the vases in the mansion to make a house for it, the imagination boggles!
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По просьбе Дженни носила Джеку обед. Пожалуй, я понимаю обоих. Такое внимание раздражает, но иначе он вполне способен не есть целый день. Дженни вспомнила, что она уже сталкивалась с таким поведением, видимо, в детстве. И упомянула Подполье - некую организацию, которой занимается Джек. Интересно.  
Jenny asked me to bring dinner for Jack. I think I understand both of them. Such an attention irritates, but otherwise he wouldn't eat for the whole day. Jenny remembered that she has already faced with such behavior - apparently when she was a child. And she mentioned the Underground - kind of group Jack is occupied with. Hmm, it's interesting.  
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Когда я собрала первый пазл, на нем сразу проявился рисунок с тайником. Выглядело странно, может быть, это какая-то химическая реакция? При случае спрошу у Джека, он наверняка этим интересовался. Нашла в тайнике ключ, нужно будет открыть первый замок в прихожей.
As soon as I've pieced together first jigsaw puzzle, a picture with the  secret hiding place appeared on it. It looked strange, some kind of chemical reaction perhaps? I'll ask Jack on occasion, he will certainly be interested about it. I've found a key in the hiding place, now I can open first lock in the lobby.
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Помогала Джеку чинить часы. Кто бы мог подумать, что он может быть таким сентиментальным. У них с братом все-таки очень странные отношения: друг другу помогают, но спокойно поговорить не могут. И кажется, я начинаю понимать, почему, ведь они совершенно разные. Джим спокойный, все эмоции прячет, а Джек, наоборот, сразу их выплескивает.
Helped Jack to repair watch. Who could ever think that he can be so sentimental? They have very strange relationship with brother none the less - help each other, but can't talk calmly. And I think I'm beginning to understand why - as they are absolutely different. Jim is calm, he's hiding all his emotions, and Jack, on the contrary, gives them away.
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Все, можно выдохнуть, Джек будет жить. Его, израненного и потерявшего сознание, нашла Дженни на кухне, а я привела доктора. Не думала, что Джим сможет так быстро поднять брата на ноги. Он зашил раны, сделал укол, дал Джеку понюхать нашатырь, и тот пришел в себя. И, конечно, уковылял в подвал, не поблагодарив. <br/>
One can relax now, Jack will stay alive. Jenny has found him in the kitchen, wounded and unconscious, and I have brought the doctor. I didn't expect that Jim will rouse his brother so soon. He sewed up the wounds, gave Jack an injection, sal ammonial to smell, and he came around quickly. And hobbled to his cellar of course - without thanking. Later,  
Джим объяснил потом, что Джек потерял сознание из-за свалившейся на голову гири-ловушки , а не от потери крови. «Иначе он бы уже не выкарабкался.» Джим был белый, как мел, когда говорил эти слова, - он очень боится за брата.
Jim explained us, that Jack blacked out because of the weight-trap that has fallen onto his head, not because of blood loss. "Otherwise he wouldn't pull through". Jim was white as a sheet as he said this - he fears for his brother so much.
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Мне пришло сразу две записки, подписанные буквой "Д": приглашение в подвал и в гостиную от братьев Файрвуд. Оба посмотрели, как я прохожу испытание, и прокомментировали недавнее происшествие. Джек сказал перестать о нем беспокоиться, а Джим поблагодарил за человеколюбие. Оба предложили вступить в их группировки - Подполье или Последователей. Подполье не следует правилам Кукловода и ищет свой путь на свободу, Последователи сохраняют спокойствие и пытаются разгадать тайны дома. Пожалуй, пока рано делать окончательный выбор.
I've received two notes signed with letter "J" at a time: an invitation into the cellar and into the living room from Firewood brothers. Both watched me passing the test and commented on recent accident. Jack asked me to stop worrying about him, Jim thanked for love of fellow men. Both of them invited me to enter their groups - the Underground or the Followers. The Underground don't follow the rules of the Puppeter and search their own way to freedom, the Followers keep calm and try to solve the secrets of the house. I think it's too early yet to make the final choice.
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Узнала много нового о братьях - Дженни рассказала. Она попала в дом вместе с Джимом, и с тех пор прошло уже несколько месяцев. Док, по ее словам, не боялся Кукловода, что-то искал, подолгу говорил с камерами. А потом послал брату приглашение.  
Got to know many new things about the brothers - Jenny has told me. She's got into the house together with Jim, and a few month have passed already since then. She said that Doc wasn't afraid of the puppeter, was looking for something, talked with the cameras for a long time. And then sent an invitation for a younger brother.
<br/>Дженни считает, что Джиму просто нужен был человек, который бы его понял и помог разгадать какую-то загадку, но Файрвуд-младший не оценил поступка брата - ведь тот фактически заманил его в ловушку. Здесь легко можно умереть, что Джек регулярно и пытается сделать. А док постоянно лечит его... Принцип маятника - ты совершаешь одну ошибку, и она еще долго тебе аукается.
Jenny thinks that Jim needed a person to understand him and help to solve  some secret, but the younger Firewood didn't appreciate brother's act - he has actually entrapped him. One can die here easily, and Jack tries to do it regularly. And Doc keeps healing him... It's pendulum action - you  make one mistake, and keep paying for it for a long time.
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У Джека кардинальные методы борьбы с конкурентами. Им нужны марки? Найти редкий экземпляр и сжечь!
Jack has cardinal methods of struggle with rivals. They need stamps? We'll find a rare copy and burn it!
Собрали курительный набор для Билла - он обещал дать за него информацию. Похоже, это тот самый старик-алкоголик, из заначки которого я таскала спирт. Говорят, он еще и дымит как паровоз, полный набор вредных привычек.
We've collected a smoking kit for Bill - he promised to provide some information for it. He seems to be that very old drunkard, from whose stash I've pinched alcohol. They say he smokes like a chimney, the full range of bad habits.
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Оказывается, Последователи выясняют прошлое дома, в котором мы заперты. Нашла фотографию семьи, которая жила здесь раньше, появились новые вопросы. Что случилось с этими людьми? Как дом перешел к Кукловоду? Джим считает, что мы найдем ответы.
It appears that the Followers are trying to find out the past of the house we're locked in. I've found a photo of the family that lived here before, and new questions appeared. What's happened to this people? How did the Puppeter get this house? Jim thinks we'll find the answers.
<br/>Вставляем палки в колеса Подполья - выкрала из подвала резистор и отдала Джиму. По его словам, Джек собирался собрать какое-то устройство, которое могло помешать Последователям. У Джима спокойное отношение к конкурентам, но правило "око за око, зуб за зуб" действует.
We put a spoke in the Underground's wheel - I've stolen a resistor from the cellar and given it to Jim. He said Jack wanted to assemble some devise, that could harm the Followers. Jim has balanced relation to rivals, but the law of the talion is in force.
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Кажется, с Последователями все немного сложнее, чем мне казалось. Дженни сказала, что лозунги про Учителя и путь Кукловода придумала Алиса, а док просто организовал Последователей, как команду помогающих друг другу людей. Вероятно, идея копаться в прошлом этого дома тоже принадлежит ему. А с Подпольем все просто. Его создал Джек и там никаких мудрствований - борись, пока в тебе осталась хоть капля крови, и постарайся выжить.
It seems that with the Followers everything's a bit more difficult as I thought. Jenny said, that Alice invented the slogans about the Master and Puppeter's way, and Doc has simply organized the Followers as a group of people helping to each other. Probably, raking over the dust and ashes of the past of this house is also his idea. Concerning the Underground, everything's easy. Jack has set it up, and it doesn't require much wisdom - struggle to the bitter end, and try to stay alive.
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Похоже, пора выбирать, кого я хочу видеть в друзьях, а кого в противниках. Тем более после того, как я залезла в тайник гостиной и нашла там пистолет. Разряженный, правда, но все равно оружие. Кукловод, видимо, слышал все наши разговоры или догадывается о них, потому что посоветовал очень хорошо подумать, как распорядиться находкой.
I think it's time to choose friends and rivals. Especially after I've found a pistol in the hiding place in the living room. It's unloaded, but it's still a weapon. I think the Puppeteer has heard all our talks, or guesses about them, because he advised to think well what to do with the find.
<br/>Кстати, оказывается, братья знали, что я работаю на обе группировки, но не сильно расстроились из-за этого.  
By the way, the brothers appeared to have known that I'm working for both groups, but they weren't much disappointed about it.
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Нашла несколько страниц дневника Джона. Похоже, мальчик когда-то жил в этом доме. Бумага старая, желтая, некоторые страницы едва не рассыпаются. И в них упоминаются Вичбридж, большая библиотека. На фотографии, которую я собирала с Джимом, похожий состав семьи - мама, папа, два брата. Разве что няня в дневнике пока не упоминается.
Have found a few pages of John's diary. It seems that the boy has lived in this house some time ago. Old, yellowish paper, some of the pages are nearly gone to pieces. Witchbridge and a large library are mentioned there. On the photo I've restored together with Jim, there's similar membership of the family - mother, father, two brothers. Except upon nanny - she isn't mentioned yet.
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То ли Кукловод стал рассеян, то ли это новая игра. Я нашла в доме несколько страниц его дневника, в котором описано его отношение к происходящему в доме. Называет нас марионетками, насмехается над Подпольем, да и над Последователями тоже. Кажется, он вообще считает борьбу группировок глупой. А один отрывок настораживает - Кукловод обещает "встряхнуть этот сонный театр".
Either the Puppeter has become absent-minded, or it's his new game. I've found a few pages of his diary in the house, and his attitude to what's happening in the house is described there. He calls us "Puppets", mocks at the Underground, as well as at the Followers. It seems that he thinks that all this struggle of groups is senseless. And one fragment alerts me - the Puppeteer promises to "cheer up this sleepy theatre".
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Подчиняться какому-то маньяку - это не для меня, так что выбрала Подполье. Джек очень обрадовался пистолету, и тут же принялся за дело - мы будем делать порох. А для начала мы немного модернизировали камеру в подвале, и теперь она циклично прокручивает события одного дня. Джек в физике хорошо разбирается, в отличие от брата. Будем надеяться, Кукловод и Последователи не сразу это заметят и тем более не смогут починить.  
I'm not the one to obey the maniac, so I've chosen the Underground. Jack was glad about the pistol and has set to work at once - we'll prepare the gunpowder. And for the beginning we've modernized the camera in the cellar a bit, and now it shows the events of one day cyclic. Jack's very good at physics, unlike his brother. We'll hope that the Puppeteer and his Followers won't notice it immediately and all the more wouldn't be able to repair it.  
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Кидаться грудью на амбразуру, не задумываясь - нет уж, увольте. Выбрала Последователей, сейчас проводим с Джимом расследование. Пистолет оказался уликой, ключом к прошлому этого дома, и мне очень интересно, какие еще тайны нам откроются. Пока мы выяснили, что выстрелом из этого пистолета в прихожей когда-то ранили или убили человека. Кровь на коврике сложно не заметить, а Джим нашел выщербины в стенах, совпадающие с диаметром дула найденного оружия.
Taking bear by the tooth is not for me. I have chosen the Followers, now we are prosecuting an inquiry with Jim. The pistol appeared to be a clue, a key to the past of this house, and I'm really interested - what other mysteries are we going to solve? We've  cleared up already, that someone was killed or injured by the shot from this pistol. It's impossible not to notice the blood on the rag, and Jim has found marks on the walls - they match the diameter of muzzle of the found pistol.
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Вата, спирт, кислота, желатин и эфир, никогда бы не подумала, что из этого можно сделать взрывчатое вещество. Джек говорит, это нитроцеллюлоза, изобретенная в 1884 году французским инженером Полем Вьелем. Оказывается, наш лидер учился в Сорбонне, и мечтал получить второе образование в Америке, но не сложилось - письмо брата выдернуло его в этот дом.
Cotton wool, alcohol, acid, gelatin and ether, I've never thought that one can make an explosive of it. Jack says it's nitrocellulose, invented in 1884 by French engineer Paul Viele. It turned out that our leader had studied in Sorbonne, and dreams of second education in the USA, but nothing came out of it - brother's letter pulled him out into this house.
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Отвинтила от камеры в подвале какое-то странное устройство, изобретенное Джеком для зацикливания изображения. Джима впечатлили познания брата в электронике, а еще больше - его дурная голова, додумавшаяся паять при включенном электричестве, и удача, позволившая при этом остаться в живых. Мне пришлось повторить подвиг ненормального подпольщика, теперь камера работает нормально.
Unscrewed some strange devise from the camera in the cellar - Jack invented it for cycling the picture. Jim was impressed with his brother's skills in electronics, and even more - with his stupid head, that went as far as soldering by turned on electricity, and by his luck to stay alive. I had to repeat crazy Undergrounder's deed, and now the camera works normal.
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Познакомилась с Тэн Накамурой, японкой, непонятно как очутившейся в детской. Никто ее раньше не видел, так что наверное, она новенькая. Или начинала с другой части дома - для новичка Тэн слишком спокойная. Хотя она вообще такая, не то ледяная статуя, не то фарфоровая кукла с нарисованной улыбкой. Совершенно уверенная в себе, отказалась вступать в группировки, невероятно вежливая. Ее встреча с Дженни была забавной - легкая, эмоциональная Дженни накинулась на бедную японку с вопросами, тут же предложила перейти на ты. От такой искренности никакая вежливость не спасет.
Got acquainted with Tan Nakamura, Japanese, who occurred in children's room somehow. Nobody have seen her before, so she is probably new. Or she began from the other part of the house - for a newcomer Tan is too calm. She always behaves in such manner though - either ice statue or porcelain doll with a painted smile. She is absolutely self-confident, refused to enter the groups, incredibly polite. Her meeting with Jenny was amusing - easy-going, emotional Jenny attacked poor Japanese girl with questions and has recently suggested to thou each other. No politeness can save from such sincerity.
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Собирала для Дженни старые фильмы. На бобинах, с ума сойти, не знала, что такие еще сохранились! А вот посмотреть их мы пока не можем - проектор сломан, а Джек слишком занят и никак его не починит. Зачем хранить такие старые пленки, ведь фильмы не самые лучшие или известные? Пока мы можем только рассматривать футляры, но и этого хватило, чтобы узнать имя, вернее, псевдоним актрисы, игравшей во всех пяти фильмах - Кэт Байрон. Может быть, в доме жили ее фанаты? Или в пленках есть какой-то секрет?
Collected old films for Jenny. On tape reels, it's fantastic, I didn't know that they exist yet! Unfortunately we can't watch them - the projector is broken, and Jack is too busy to repair it. Who will store old tapes - the films are not best or famous. We can only examine the cases yet, and that's enough to find out the name, or rather stage name of the actress who played in all 5 films - Kate Byron. Maybe, fans of her lived in this house? Or there's a secret in this films?
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Наконец стало понятно, зачем я уже несколько дней искала части игрушечного поезда. Джим устроил в углу гостиной настоящую химическую лабораторию, и, к сожалению, результаты были однозначны - кровь. Она была и на самом первом вагоне, но док хотел убедиться, что бурые следы в щелях - не краска и не остатки пролитого соуса. Кровь на игрушке наводила на неприятные мысли, и результаты осмотра комнат нас тоже не утешили. В стене гостиной за шкафом, на уровне роста ребенка и взрослого, были выщербины, такие же, как в прихожей.
It became clear finally, why I have been looking for parts of toy train for a few days already. Jim arranged a real chemical lab in the corner  of the living room, and the results are unfortunately definite - it's blood. It was on the first wan, but Doc wanted to make sure that brown traces in the chinks are not paint or remains of spilled sauce. Blood on the toy arouses unpleasant thoughts, and examinations of the rooms was unconsoling also. On the wall of the living room, behind the wardrobe, on the level of child's and adult's height there were same marks as in the living room.
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Собрали с Дженни коллекцию детских игрушек, заодно разгадали секрет кинопленок. В этом доме жила сама актриса, Кэт Фолл, с мужем и двумя сыновьями. Имя одного мальчика я помню еще после сбора коллекции бабочек - Сэм, а вот второй пока остается загадкой. Есть только его инициалы - J.E. Джеймс, Джон, Джордж, Джошуа? Имен на Дж слишком много, простым подбором мы никогда не найдем правильное. Забавно, братья Фолл в прошлом и братья Файрвуд теперь, имена на одну и ту же букву...
We've gathered a collection of kid's toys with Jenny, and have solved the ravel of the tapes. That very actress, Kate Fall, lived in this house with her husband and two sons. I remember name of the first boy after gathering the butterfly collection - Sam, but the name of the other one is still a secret. There are just initials - J.A. James, John, Jack, Joshua? There are too many names beginning with J, and we'll never guess the right one. That's funny - Fall brothers in the past and Firewood brothers now, names beginning with same letters...
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Утащила из кухни ступки и пестики - придется Дженни обойтись без перца, зато если у нас все получится, то сидеть взаперти осталось не долго. Джек доверил мне изготовление двух порций пороха, пули мы тоже уже сделали - золотые, из трех монет, которые нашлись в доме. К счастью, мы смогли достичь необходимой температуры в котле подвала, и расплавить металл. Теперь я должна найти провода и пойдем на дело. Джек хочет шантажировать Кукловода, похитив лидера последователей - собственного брата. Рискованный план, но другого нет.
Have stolen mortars and pestles from the kitchen - Jenny'll have to manage without pepper, but if everything will be ok, we won't have to sit locked up for long. Jack trusted me preparing two portions of powder, we've made the bullets as well - golden, from three coins that we've found in the house. Fortunately, we could reach the necessary temperature level in the pot in the cellar, and melt the metal. Now I shall find the wires and we'll go for a hunt. Jack wants to blackmail the Puppeteer - by kidnapping the leader of the Followers - his own brother. Risky plan, but we have no other.
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Джим пропал, а в гостиной я обнаружила оставленную аптечку и свежую выбоину в стене, похожую на след от пули. Наш пистолет не был заряжен, неужели в доме был второй? Но тогда он, вероятно, достался Джеку. Подпольщик может быть причастен к исчезновению своего брата...
Jim's disappeared, and I've found a first aid kit left in the living room and a fresh mark on the wall, that looks like a bullet mark. Our pistol wasn't loaded, is there someone else in the house? But than he was probably caught by Jack. The Undergrounder might participate in his brother's disappearance.
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Джим обнаружился в подвале, связанный. Его брат размахивал пистолетом и кричал что-то в камеру. Мы с Дженни решили разрезать путы и спасти Джима, но когда уже собирались спуститься в подвал, прогремел выстрел, а на кухне появилась Алиса. Дженни пришлось ее отвлекать - встреча этой фанатичной последовательницы с Джеком могла закончиться печально, а я отправилась в подвал. Внизу валялись осколки стекла и пластика - Джек выстрелил в камеру. Мне удалось разрезать связывавшие Джима провода, но тот, вместо того, чтобы сбежать, предложил брату поговорить в гостиной.
We've found Jim in the cellar, binded. His brother swung with the pistol and cried something into the camera. Me and Jenny decided to cut the chains and save Jim, but as we were on our way to cellar, we've heard shot, and Alice appeared in the kitchen. Jenny had to draw her attention away - this fanatic Follower's meeting with Jack could end dramatically - and I've left to the cellar. Pieces of glass and plastic were scattered all over - Jack shot into the camera. I've managed to cut the wires Jim was binded with, but instead of running away he's invited brother to talk in the living room.
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Джиму, наконец, удалось объяснить брату свои действия, и тот, похоже, понял его, хоть и не согласился. Кажется, Джек всерьез считал нас слугами Кукловода, выполняющими его приказы. Впрочем, я тоже узнала много нового о докторе. Дженни оказалась права, лозунги группировки и мысли Джима - две большие разницы. Он как-то сказал, чтобы понять человека, нужно понять его прошлое и прошлое вещей, которые его окружают. Док пытается понять Кукловода, но зачем, просто так или с какой-то целью?
Jim could finally explain brother his actions, and it seems that he's understood him, yet hasn't agreed. It seems that Jack seriously treated us as Puppeter's servants who obeyed his orders. I've also learned something new about Doc, though. Jenny was right, group's slogans and thoughts of Jim are absolutely different things. He's said once, that you should know the past of the person to understand him, as well as past of the things that surround him. Doc's trying to understand the Puppeteer, but why - for no reason or for some special purpose?
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Пока все идет по плану. Должна признать, Джим хорошо держится, даже не вздрогнул, когда Джек всадил пулю в стену над его плечом. Взялся рассуждать, из чего мы их сделали! Этот последователь ведет себя так, словно мы пригласили его на чай с плюшками, а не связали, угрожая пистолетом.  
Everything goes according to the plan. I have to admit that Jim stands firm, he hasn't even started when Jack sent a bullet into the wall above his shoulder. He just asked us how we made them! This Follower acts like we've invited him for a cup of tea, not binded threatening with the pistol.
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Все-таки план сорвался. Мы быстро поняли, что Джим действительно не может рассказать нам ничего полезного, и Джек попытался потребовать у Кукловода свободу в обмен на последователя. Джим советовал брату остановиться, но тот, конечно, не послушал, велев доктору заткнуться. Маньяк спокойно предложил убить Джима, на что наш лидер в ярости выстрелил в камеру и отбросил оказавшийся бесполезным пистолет. Ну а после того, как мы развязали несостоявшегося заложника, Джим предложил нам поговорить в гостиной.
However, our plan failed. We understood quickly that Jim can't tell us anything useful, and Jack tried to require freedom from the Puppeteer in exchange to his Follower. Jim advised brother to stop, but he hasn't obeyed of course and told Doc to shut up. The maniac calmly offered to kill Jim, and our infuriated leader shot into the camera and threw off the useless pistol. Thereafter we've liberated unaccomplished hostage and Jim offered us talk in the living room.
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Оказалось, Дженни была права, лозунги последователей и мысли Джима - две большие разницы. Он сказал, что управляет группировкой из жалости, беспокоясь о том, чтобы его подопечные под руководством Алисы не совершили какой-нибудь глупость вроде ритуального самоубийства. А самому Джиму хочется разгадать загадку этого дома и понять Кукловода. Джек ответил, что человек, который съехал с катушек и начал убивать, понимания не заслуживает. Но, хоть мы и не согласны с доктором, Джек понял брата, и, наконец, перестал злиться на него.
Jenny appeared to be right, group's slogans and thoughts of Jim are absolutely different things. He said that he rules this group out of pity, worrying about his charges - under leadership of Alice they can commit something foolish like ritual suicide. Jim wants to solve the secret of this house and understand the Puppeteer. Jack answered that the person who's gone crazy and kills people deserves no understanding. But Jack understood his brother and stopped being angry with him, although we haven't agreed.
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Все вместе ремонтировали кухню. Странновато было работать рядом с главой противоположной группировки, но братья словно забыли об этом. Поначалу они старались поменьше общаться, а потом разговорились, подшучивают друг над другом. Сейчас, глядя на них, сложно представить, что совсем недавно Джек угрожал Джиму пистолетом. Но дружба лидеров еще не означает дружбу их группировок, и многим людям с противоположной стороны я совершенно не собираюсь протягивать руку.
We've repaired kitchen together. It was a bit strange, working side by side with the leader of the opposite group, but both brothers seemed to forget about it. They've tried not to contact each other at first, but then started communicating, even joking. As you look at them now it's difficult to realize, that Jack threatened Jim with pistol not long ago. But friendship of the leaders doesn't mean friendship of their groups, and I wouldn't give a hand to many people from the opposite side.
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Джек пропал. Я нашла на пороге своей комнаты записку с просьбой прийти в подвал, но там никого не было. Дженни посоветовала спросить у доктора, а он заметил, что почерк в письме не принадлежит Файрвуду-младшему. Мы с Джимом облазили дом от подвала до третьего этажа и в детской услышали наверху шуршание, скрип досок, приглушенный звон металла... Над нами была только одна комната, и к тому же, как только мы завершили испытание, прибежала Дженни. Она увидела нечто вроде призрака из прихожей около двери библиотеки. Док боится, что его брат найдется именно там.
Jack's disappeared. On the threshold of my room I've found a note with the request for coming into the cellar, but no one was there. Jenny advised to ask doctor, and he noticed that it's not the handwriting of younger Firewood in the letter. Me and Jack have climbed all over the house, from cellar to the third floor, and in the kid's room have heard rustling, squeak of the boards and dumped metal clanging above us... There was just one room above, and Jenny came as soon as we've finished the test. She's seen some kind of ghost from the lobby, by the library door. Doc is afraid that his brother will be found there exactly.
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Джим оказался прав, мы нашли младшего Файрвуда в библиотеке. Он лежал без сознания на диване, прикованный цепью, на крайней степени истощения. Страшно было видеть лидера подполья в таком состоянии. Док тут же принялся за работу, и довольно скоро Джек пришел в себя. Никогда не думала, что Джим может быть в такой ярости. "Как снять эту чертову цепь? Кукловод, чего ты хочешь?" Конечно, Кукловод хотел посмотреть на новые испытания, чего же еще. Теперь доктор должен бороться за свободу своего брата.
Jim was right, we've found the younger Firewood in the library. He was lying on the sofa, unconscious, chained, extremely exhausted. It was awful to see the leader of the Underground in such condition. Doc has recently started working, and Jack came around quickly enough. I've never thought that Jim can be so furious. "How to take off this damned chain? Puppeteer, what do you want?" The Puppeter wanted to amuse himself with new trials, what else. Now doctor has to struggle for his brother's life.
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Пытались разбить цепь, но тщетно. Мы перепробовали все, даже паяльники и кислоту, которую Джек вылил прямо на дугу железного браслета, чудом не пострадав. Кукловод только посмеялся, глядя на наши попытки освободиться, и посоветовал отпилить ногу. Джек послал его к черту, конечно. Говорят, маньяк придумал какие-то особенно сложные испытания для Джима, так что последователю потребуется помощь.
We've tried to break the chain, but in vain. We've tried everything, even  soldering irons and acid - Jack poured it straight onto the arc of the iron bracelet, and wasn't injured miraculously. The Puppeteer laughed only at our attempts to become free, and advised to saw off the leg. Jack told him to go to hell. The maniac is said to invent some especially difficult tests for Jim, so the Follower might need help.
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Помогаю Джиму с испытаниями - доку нужно проходить комнаты за какое-то безумное время. Он попал в ловушку и едва может пользоваться левой рукой, а еще успевает что-то анализировать. Говорит, у Кукловода странное настроение, интонации, словно ситуация задевает его куда сильнее, чем должна бы. А Джек, вроде, руководит Подпольем из библиотеки и пытается снять цепь. Но если у него получится, следующая ловушка Кукловода может быть еще более жестокой.
I'm helping Jim with the tests - Doc has to pass the rooms in dreadfully short time. He's got into the trap and now can hardly move his hand, and yet has time to analyze. He says the Puppeter's in a strange mood, has strange intonations - it seems that the situation touches it deeper than it should. It looks like Jack is leading the Underground from the library, and trying to remove the chain. But if he'll make progress, next trap of the Puppeteer might be even more cruel.
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Помогла Джиму с испытаниями. Док сказал, что нужно иметь железную волю и веру в свои идеалы, чтобы проходить столько комнат с серьезными ранами. Он же теперь по собственному опыту знает, насколько это тяжело - попал в ловушку, а останавливаться было нельзя. Когда мы закончили последнее и с Джека упали кандалы, они говорили действительно как братья, понимая друг друга с полуслова. Джим потом рассказал, что Кукловод называет меня Пером, символом свободы в доме, и что с тех пор, как я оказалась здесь, все изменилось...
Helped Jim with the tests. Doc said that you have to be a strong-willed person and to believe in your ideals strongly, to pass through so many rooms with so serious wounds. Now he knows on his own experience, how difficult is it - to get stuck into the trap when you can't stop. When we've finished the last one and Jack got free of his chains, they've really talked like brothers, catching meaning at once. Later, Jim told that the Puppeteer calls me Feather, symbol of freedom in the house, and everything's changed since I've arrived here...

Revision as of 13:34, 10 November 2015

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Perhaps, it could be helpful if I'll write down what's happening. For a start, I'd like to mention the fact that I'm locked in the house of a maniac, that calls himself the Puppeteer, and I have to pass his tests. If I die here, give this diary to Scotland-Yard, it will serve as material evidence.

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But I don't want to die, and everything is not so terrible as it seemed. At least, I'm not alone. We've already acquainted with Jenny Wallis - nice girl, a bit strange though. But she is staying here for a long time already, and I think everything's OK. She's bandaged my hands (it's impossible not to cut hands with door handles!) and gave me some salad to eat.

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It's clear now, why Jenny's sometimes so weird. When she was 13 years old she's got into car accident, and has partial amnesia - the girl can't remember her childhood before the accident.

4 страница

Now I've got a task from the Puppeteer. It probably pleasures him, when people do something upsetting. "Jenny trusts you, so put her this note secretly". I didn't look into that paper - I have no death wish yet. He explained that he helps her to remember freedom, but why doesn't she remember? Her amnesia extends to events before she was 13 only, but she wasn't locked in the house since then!

5 страница

Jenny has shown me the note herself. There is a children's riddle in it, about brushes and paints, and one more statuette is implied there. I've found painter, and Jenny remembered, how she's glued this statuette together. Yes, this very statuette, marks of glue are left on it. It turns out that the Puppeteer has brought figurine from her house, or Jenny has already been here in childhood. As Carroll's Alice said, curiouser and curiouser!

6 страница

Have occasionally heard doctor Jim speaking to his brother Jack. It seems that they have quite a strained relationship. And Jenny, as she's seen a statuette of musician, started remembering someone who've played violin, but it has given her a headache.

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"Jenny said that statuettes look like a family that lived in this house, and she knew them when she was a child. But she's heard nothing about them after the accident... It is strange - even if people are left, they can call, write letters and come on visits. Unless they've moved to another country. Jenny doesn't want to leave the house until she remembers everything.

She also says that this house is in the small town Witchbridge, somewhere in English province. She remembers neither number of the house nor the street. Unfortunately, I haven't even heard of this town before."

8 страница

"The Puppeter's joking - he's opened cellar for me and told that I would find rats there - ""common and biped"". Have really met a rat and Jack. His habits remind of rats - in the good sense of the word. He defenses his territory, finds an application for any useless thing (he always repairs something) and, as Puppeter said, ""tries to bite"".

Puppeter has strange attitude to rats in general: ""Rats run from sinking ship, while they are here, everything's all right"". I suppose, even rat couldn't escape from this house!"

9 страница

Have found needle, threads and pins for Jack - he's tried to mend a hole on hit shirt himself and had even succeed more or less. It seems that Jenny cares of him too much, and it irritates him. Jack is kind of person who hate when people worry about them.

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doctor asked to help him with filling up first-aid set. I have already found cotton wool, and it turned out funny with alcohol - I had to filch the bottle from supplies of a local sot. And I don't want even to imagine the operation conducted with tailor's scissors, sewing needle and a hammer...

11 страница

It turned out, that Jim's relationship with his brother is even worse than I supposed - doctor can't go down to cellar and take ether because Jack is there. And there is a girl named Alice in the house, who was operated by the doctor. With the help of scissors, needle and hammer, I suppose. Couldn't Puppeter give surgical instruments at least?

12 страница

Our kind doctor appeared to be not so simple - I've seen him carrying food to the kitchen through the keyhole of cellar. Jenny said it's like him - to help the prisoners of the house and the Puppeter at the same time. And such behavior is linked somehow with the fact that he is the leader of the Followers. I'd like to know more about them.

13 страница

Was driving a rat around the kitchen, but it ran away. Jack advised to make a trap from vase, but the forth vase already doesn't fit. But then Jenny remembered many interesting things about them. She has not just already been in this house, but had known its inhabitants well, they used to be friends. She knows that the vases are not antique, but just copies, and has remembered that she helped to bring one of them from the shop.

14 страница

The Puppeter turned up again, advises to find the door, speaks ironically. What's the cause of such a good mood? I don't think he'll answer this question. But I have found the door, and it is impressive enough. Ten locks, made of wood, binded with iron. Such door is to be knocked out with battering ram. Nine keys are somewhere in the rooms, the tenth must be kept by the Puppeter.

15 страница

It came very strange with the rat. We've been hunting for it for such a long time, but finally decided that it's lovely and clever and it will be our pet. We've used all the vases in the mansion to make a house for it, the imagination boggles!

16 страница

Jenny asked me to bring dinner for Jack. I think I understand both of them. Such an attention irritates, but otherwise he wouldn't eat for the whole day. Jenny remembered that she has already faced with such behavior - apparently when she was a child. And she mentioned the Underground - kind of group Jack is occupied with. Hmm, it's interesting.

17 страница

As soon as I've pieced together first jigsaw puzzle, a picture with the secret hiding place appeared on it. It looked strange, some kind of chemical reaction perhaps? I'll ask Jack on occasion, he will certainly be interested about it. I've found a key in the hiding place, now I can open first lock in the lobby.

18 страница

Helped Jack to repair watch. Who could ever think that he can be so sentimental? They have very strange relationship with brother none the less - help each other, but can't talk calmly. And I think I'm beginning to understand why - as they are absolutely different. Jim is calm, he's hiding all his emotions, and Jack, on the contrary, gives them away.

19 страница

Помогла Дженни собрать коллекцию бабочек. Она столько всего вспомнила - какую поймали первой, какую купили, и какую она помогала пришивать к альбому. А главное, вспомнила лицо мальчика, который их ловил.

20 страница

One can relax now, Jack will stay alive. Jenny has found him in the kitchen, wounded and unconscious, and I have brought the doctor. I didn't expect that Jim will rouse his brother so soon. He sewed up the wounds, gave Jack an injection, sal ammonial to smell, and he came around quickly. And hobbled to his cellar of course - without thanking. Later,

Jim explained us, that Jack blacked out because of the weight-trap that has fallen onto his head, not because of blood loss. "Otherwise he wouldn't pull through". Jim was white as a sheet as he said this - he fears for his brother so much.

21 страница

I've received two notes signed with letter "J" at a time: an invitation into the cellar and into the living room from Firewood brothers. Both watched me passing the test and commented on recent accident. Jack asked me to stop worrying about him, Jim thanked for love of fellow men. Both of them invited me to enter their groups - the Underground or the Followers. The Underground don't follow the rules of the Puppeter and search their own way to freedom, the Followers keep calm and try to solve the secrets of the house. I think it's too early yet to make the final choice.

22 страница

Got to know many new things about the brothers - Jenny has told me. She's got into the house together with Jim, and a few month have passed already since then. She said that Doc wasn't afraid of the puppeter, was looking for something, talked with the cameras for a long time. And then sent an invitation for a younger brother.

Jenny thinks that Jim needed a person to understand him and help to solve some secret, but the younger Firewood didn't appreciate brother's act - he has actually entrapped him. One can die here easily, and Jack tries to do it regularly. And Doc keeps healing him... It's pendulum action - you make one mistake, and keep paying for it for a long time.

23 страница

Jack has cardinal methods of struggle with rivals. They need stamps? We'll find a rare copy and burn it!

We've collected a smoking kit for Bill - he promised to provide some information for it. He seems to be that very old drunkard, from whose stash I've pinched alcohol. They say he smokes like a chimney, the full range of bad habits.

24 страница

It appears that the Followers are trying to find out the past of the house we're locked in. I've found a photo of the family that lived here before, and new questions appeared. What's happened to this people? How did the Puppeter get this house? Jim thinks we'll find the answers.

We put a spoke in the Underground's wheel - I've stolen a resistor from the cellar and given it to Jim. He said Jack wanted to assemble some devise, that could harm the Followers. Jim has balanced relation to rivals, but the law of the talion is in force.

25 страница

It seems that with the Followers everything's a bit more difficult as I thought. Jenny said, that Alice invented the slogans about the Master and Puppeter's way, and Doc has simply organized the Followers as a group of people helping to each other. Probably, raking over the dust and ashes of the past of this house is also his idea. Concerning the Underground, everything's easy. Jack has set it up, and it doesn't require much wisdom - struggle to the bitter end, and try to stay alive.

26 страница

I think it's time to choose friends and rivals. Especially after I've found a pistol in the hiding place in the living room. It's unloaded, but it's still a weapon. I think the Puppeteer has heard all our talks, or guesses about them, because he advised to think well what to do with the find.

By the way, the brothers appeared to have known that I'm working for both groups, but they weren't much disappointed about it.

27 страница

Have found a few pages of John's diary. It seems that the boy has lived in this house some time ago. Old, yellowish paper, some of the pages are nearly gone to pieces. Witchbridge and a large library are mentioned there. On the photo I've restored together with Jim, there's similar membership of the family - mother, father, two brothers. Except upon nanny - she isn't mentioned yet.

28 страница

Either the Puppeter has become absent-minded, or it's his new game. I've found a few pages of his diary in the house, and his attitude to what's happening in the house is described there. He calls us "Puppets", mocks at the Underground, as well as at the Followers. It seems that he thinks that all this struggle of groups is senseless. And one fragment alerts me - the Puppeteer promises to "cheer up this sleepy theatre".

29 страница

I'm not the one to obey the maniac, so I've chosen the Underground. Jack was glad about the pistol and has set to work at once - we'll prepare the gunpowder. And for the beginning we've modernized the camera in the cellar a bit, and now it shows the events of one day cyclic. Jack's very good at physics, unlike his brother. We'll hope that the Puppeteer and his Followers won't notice it immediately and all the more wouldn't be able to repair it.

30 страница

Taking bear by the tooth is not for me. I have chosen the Followers, now we are prosecuting an inquiry with Jim. The pistol appeared to be a clue, a key to the past of this house, and I'm really interested - what other mysteries are we going to solve? We've cleared up already, that someone was killed or injured by the shot from this pistol. It's impossible not to notice the blood on the rag, and Jim has found marks on the walls - they match the diameter of muzzle of the found pistol.

31 страница

Cotton wool, alcohol, acid, gelatin and ether, I've never thought that one can make an explosive of it. Jack says it's nitrocellulose, invented in 1884 by French engineer Paul Viele. It turned out that our leader had studied in Sorbonne, and dreams of second education in the USA, but nothing came out of it - brother's letter pulled him out into this house.

32 страница

Unscrewed some strange devise from the camera in the cellar - Jack invented it for cycling the picture. Jim was impressed with his brother's skills in electronics, and even more - with his stupid head, that went as far as soldering by turned on electricity, and by his luck to stay alive. I had to repeat crazy Undergrounder's deed, and now the camera works normal.

33 страница

Got acquainted with Tan Nakamura, Japanese, who occurred in children's room somehow. Nobody have seen her before, so she is probably new. Or she began from the other part of the house - for a newcomer Tan is too calm. She always behaves in such manner though - either ice statue or porcelain doll with a painted smile. She is absolutely self-confident, refused to enter the groups, incredibly polite. Her meeting with Jenny was amusing - easy-going, emotional Jenny attacked poor Japanese girl with questions and has recently suggested to thou each other. No politeness can save from such sincerity.

34 страница

Collected old films for Jenny. On tape reels, it's fantastic, I didn't know that they exist yet! Unfortunately we can't watch them - the projector is broken, and Jack is too busy to repair it. Who will store old tapes - the films are not best or famous. We can only examine the cases yet, and that's enough to find out the name, or rather stage name of the actress who played in all 5 films - Kate Byron. Maybe, fans of her lived in this house? Or there's a secret in this films?

35 страница

It became clear finally, why I have been looking for parts of toy train for a few days already. Jim arranged a real chemical lab in the corner of the living room, and the results are unfortunately definite - it's blood. It was on the first wan, but Doc wanted to make sure that brown traces in the chinks are not paint or remains of spilled sauce. Blood on the toy arouses unpleasant thoughts, and examinations of the rooms was unconsoling also. On the wall of the living room, behind the wardrobe, on the level of child's and adult's height there were same marks as in the living room.

36 страница

We've gathered a collection of kid's toys with Jenny, and have solved the ravel of the tapes. That very actress, Kate Fall, lived in this house with her husband and two sons. I remember name of the first boy after gathering the butterfly collection - Sam, but the name of the other one is still a secret. There are just initials - J.A. James, John, Jack, Joshua? There are too many names beginning with J, and we'll never guess the right one. That's funny - Fall brothers in the past and Firewood brothers now, names beginning with same letters...

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Have stolen mortars and pestles from the kitchen - Jenny'll have to manage without pepper, but if everything will be ok, we won't have to sit locked up for long. Jack trusted me preparing two portions of powder, we've made the bullets as well - golden, from three coins that we've found in the house. Fortunately, we could reach the necessary temperature level in the pot in the cellar, and melt the metal. Now I shall find the wires and we'll go for a hunt. Jack wants to blackmail the Puppeteer - by kidnapping the leader of the Followers - his own brother. Risky plan, but we have no other.

38 страница

Jim's disappeared, and I've found a first aid kit left in the living room and a fresh mark on the wall, that looks like a bullet mark. Our pistol wasn't loaded, is there someone else in the house? But than he was probably caught by Jack. The Undergrounder might participate in his brother's disappearance.

39 страница

We've found Jim in the cellar, binded. His brother swung with the pistol and cried something into the camera. Me and Jenny decided to cut the chains and save Jim, but as we were on our way to cellar, we've heard shot, and Alice appeared in the kitchen. Jenny had to draw her attention away - this fanatic Follower's meeting with Jack could end dramatically - and I've left to the cellar. Pieces of glass and plastic were scattered all over - Jack shot into the camera. I've managed to cut the wires Jim was binded with, but instead of running away he's invited brother to talk in the living room.

40 страница

Jim could finally explain brother his actions, and it seems that he's understood him, yet hasn't agreed. It seems that Jack seriously treated us as Puppeter's servants who obeyed his orders. I've also learned something new about Doc, though. Jenny was right, group's slogans and thoughts of Jim are absolutely different things. He's said once, that you should know the past of the person to understand him, as well as past of the things that surround him. Doc's trying to understand the Puppeteer, but why - for no reason or for some special purpose?

41 страница

Everything goes according to the plan. I have to admit that Jim stands firm, he hasn't even started when Jack sent a bullet into the wall above his shoulder. He just asked us how we made them! This Follower acts like we've invited him for a cup of tea, not binded threatening with the pistol.

42 страница

However, our plan failed. We understood quickly that Jim can't tell us anything useful, and Jack tried to require freedom from the Puppeteer in exchange to his Follower. Jim advised brother to stop, but he hasn't obeyed of course and told Doc to shut up. The maniac calmly offered to kill Jim, and our infuriated leader shot into the camera and threw off the useless pistol. Thereafter we've liberated unaccomplished hostage and Jim offered us talk in the living room.

43 страница

Jenny appeared to be right, group's slogans and thoughts of Jim are absolutely different things. He said that he rules this group out of pity, worrying about his charges - under leadership of Alice they can commit something foolish like ritual suicide. Jim wants to solve the secret of this house and understand the Puppeteer. Jack answered that the person who's gone crazy and kills people deserves no understanding. But Jack understood his brother and stopped being angry with him, although we haven't agreed.

44 страница

We've repaired kitchen together. It was a bit strange, working side by side with the leader of the opposite group, but both brothers seemed to forget about it. They've tried not to contact each other at first, but then started communicating, even joking. As you look at them now it's difficult to realize, that Jack threatened Jim with pistol not long ago. But friendship of the leaders doesn't mean friendship of their groups, and I wouldn't give a hand to many people from the opposite side.

45 страница

Jack's disappeared. On the threshold of my room I've found a note with the request for coming into the cellar, but no one was there. Jenny advised to ask doctor, and he noticed that it's not the handwriting of younger Firewood in the letter. Me and Jack have climbed all over the house, from cellar to the third floor, and in the kid's room have heard rustling, squeak of the boards and dumped metal clanging above us... There was just one room above, and Jenny came as soon as we've finished the test. She's seen some kind of ghost from the lobby, by the library door. Doc is afraid that his brother will be found there exactly.

46 страница

Jim was right, we've found the younger Firewood in the library. He was lying on the sofa, unconscious, chained, extremely exhausted. It was awful to see the leader of the Underground in such condition. Doc has recently started working, and Jack came around quickly enough. I've never thought that Jim can be so furious. "How to take off this damned chain? Puppeteer, what do you want?" The Puppeter wanted to amuse himself with new trials, what else. Now doctor has to struggle for his brother's life.

47 страница

We've tried to break the chain, but in vain. We've tried everything, even soldering irons and acid - Jack poured it straight onto the arc of the iron bracelet, and wasn't injured miraculously. The Puppeteer laughed only at our attempts to become free, and advised to saw off the leg. Jack told him to go to hell. The maniac is said to invent some especially difficult tests for Jim, so the Follower might need help.

48 страница

I'm helping Jim with the tests - Doc has to pass the rooms in dreadfully short time. He's got into the trap and now can hardly move his hand, and yet has time to analyze. He says the Puppeter's in a strange mood, has strange intonations - it seems that the situation touches it deeper than it should. It looks like Jack is leading the Underground from the library, and trying to remove the chain. But if he'll make progress, next trap of the Puppeteer might be even more cruel.

49 страница

Helped Jim with the tests. Doc said that you have to be a strong-willed person and to believe in your ideals strongly, to pass through so many rooms with so serious wounds. Now he knows on his own experience, how difficult is it - to get stuck into the trap when you can't stop. When we've finished the last one and Jack got free of his chains, they've really talked like brothers, catching meaning at once. Later, Jim told that the Puppeteer calls me Feather, symbol of freedom in the house, and everything's changed since I've arrived here...

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