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== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Привет, Дневник. Я буду называть тебя Джо, ладно? Мы с тобой почти тезки – меня зовут Джон. Мама мне тебя подарила, чтобы я мог поделиться с тобой своими мыслями, пока ее нет. Давай я сначала расскажу тебе о нашей семье.
Hello, Dear Diary. I'll call you Joe, ok? We are almost namesakes with you - my name is John. Mum gave you to me as a present, in order that I could tell you my thoughts, while she is absent. At first, let me tell you about my family.
== 2 ==
== 2 ==
Мама у меня – актриса, ее даже на улицах узнают. Иногда. Вичбридж – маленький город, но мама говорит, что это хорошо, иначе нам бы покою не было. Я не совсем понимаю, почему плохо жить в Лондоне, но, наверное, она права. А папа печатает книги. Ну, не сам, просто у него есть много людей, которые их печатают. Только они все тоже в Лондоне.
My mother is an actress, people even recognize her in the streets. Sometimes... Witchbridge is a small town, but Mum says it's to the better - otherwise we would have had no rest. I don't quite get why not to live in London, but she is probably right. And my Dad prints books. Well, not himself, but he has many people who print books. They are all in London as well.
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
У нас огромная библиотека, потому что папе присылают все напечатанные книги, по одной штуке. Они, правда, бывают с браком, и тогда меня или Сэма просят их починить. Мне это нравится, а Сэм еще маленький, и часто разливает клей на пол. Он мой брат, так что я на него не сержусь, и всегда говорю, что это я разлил клей. Правда, по-моему, папа все равно догадывается.  
We have huge library, because they send Dad a copy of every printed book. However, they are sometimes rejected, and then me or Sam are asked to repair them. I like it, but Sam isn't old enough, and often spills the glue onto the floor. He is my brother, so I'm not angry about him, and always tell that it was me who spilled the glue. However, it seems to me Dad guesses about it anyway.
== 4 ==
== 4 ==
Мама опять уехала на гастроли, так что я буду разговаривать с тобой. Сегодня папа читал нам Робин Гуда. Он так замечательно это делает! Если закрыть глаза, кажется, что я действительно в Шервудском лесу. И я впервые дочитал книгу. Папа не никогда не читал нам последнюю историю, где Робин умирает. Сэм расстраивается, если герои умирают, поэтому папа каждый раз придумывал ему разные последние истории. Теперь я знаю, как было на самом деле, и я тоже буду придумывать Сэму хорошие концы. Раньше папа часто придумывал для нас истории про нас самих, и там я всегда защищал брата. Я там был сильнее папы!
Mum is gone on tour again, so I'll talk with you. Today Dad read us Robin Hood. He does it in a fantastic way! If I close my eyes, it seems to me that I'm actually in Sherwood. And I have read it to the end for the first time. Dad has never read us the last story, when Robin dies. Sam gets disappointed, when heroes die, that's why every time Dad invents a new last story for him. Now I know what actually happened, and I'll invent happy endings for Sam, too. Formerly, Dad often told us stories about ourselves, and there I always defended Sam. I was even stronger than Dad!
== 5 ==
== 5 ==
После возвращения от бабушки и дедушки Сэм ходит обиженный. Даже со мной не разговаривает. А вчера, когда мы с папой ужинали, и говорили про маму, он сказал, что Виктория сказала, что у нашей мамы работа на первом месте. Папа очень расстроился, и я тоже. Почему на первом? На первом мы! Да что они вообще про нее знают! Когда мама приезжает домой, мы все время вместе. И с ней так весело, мы обязательно куда-нибудь ходим. Вот в прошлый раз в парке аттракционов были. Это же замечательно! Мама – это настоящий праздник. Даже хорошо, что она с нами не каждый день, иначе было бы не так весело.  
Sam keeps being offended after his return from Grandma and Grandpa. He refuses to talk even with me. Yesterday, while we had supper with Dad and talked about Mum, he said that Victoria told him that for Mum job comes first. Dad was very upset, me too. Why job comes first? We come first for her! They know nothing at all about her! When Mum comes home, we are always together. We have great time, and always go somewhere. Last time we have been in attractions park. It was such a fun! It's truly a holiday when Mum is here. It is even to the better, that we are not always together, otherwise it would not be so joyful.  
== 6 ==
== 6 ==
Сегодня приходил учитель музыки. Мама пригласила, он будет учить меня играть на скрипке. Мне нравится музыка, и мистер Вайлон сказал, что у меня хороший слух. Когда он играет, в горле появляется комок и щемит в груди. Звуки скрипки очень… тревожные. Никогда не думал, что буду скрипачом, но можно попробовать. По крайней мере, первое занятие было интересным.  
Music teacher came today. Mum invited him to teach me playing violin. I'm fond of music, and Mr. Violon said I have a good ear. When he plays, I have a pump in my throat, and my heart aches. The sounds of violin are so... anxious. I've never thought I would be a violinist, but I could try. At least, our first lesson was interesting.
== 7 ==
== 7 ==
Ой, Джо, я же до сих пор не рассказал тебе про школу! Учебный год недавно начался, и у нас новая школьная форма. Я так надеялся, что уберут этот дурацкий галстук! Когда Нэн его на меня надевает, я чувствую себя приговоренным к казни. Но если его потихоньку распустить, то обязательно кто-нибудь из учителей заметит и будет ругаться.
Oh, Joe, I haven't told you about school yet! School year began not so long ago, and we have a new school uniform. I hoped that they will remove that stupid necktie! When Nan puts it on me, I feel like sentenced to death. But if you loose it on the sly, some of the teachers will surely notice and scold you.
== 8 ==
== 8 ==
Джо, у нас в классе новенькая! Ее зовут Джейн, и она любит читать. Ее посадили вместе со мной, учительница сказала, что я самый вежливый мальчик в классе, и мне нужно рассказать ей про нашу школу. Я на перемене показал Джейн классы, и сад. Мы там в прошлом году деревья сажали, каждый на свое табличку с именем повесил. И через много лет таблички будут высоко-высоко! Мы договорились, что она тоже дерево посадит. Дженни про свою школу рассказала. У них был детский книжный клуб и марионеточный театр. Мне кажется, у нас нужно сделать такие же!
Joe, we have a new girl in class! Her name is Jane, and she loves reading. She was seated with me, teacher said, that I'm the most polite boy in class, and I shall tell her about our school. During the break, I've shown Jane the classrooms and the garden. Last year we planted trees there, and everyone has put a plate with her or his name onto her or his tree. In many years, the plates will get very high! We've agreed, that Jenny will also plant a tree. She told about her school. They had a book club for kids and a puppet theater. I think, we shall also organize these things!
== 9 ==
== 9 ==
У меня был День Рождения. Папа подарил мне новую марку, «Перевернутую Дженни». Это было так забавно, я показал ее Дженни, кажется, она не обиделась. Дженни на марке – это самолет. А моя Дженни подарила мне книгу Киплинга. Мне еще в детстве нравился Маугли, я представлял себе, как здорово жить в настоящих джунглях, совершенно свободным, и не нужно носить этот глупый галстук. Я рассказал ей про это и даже повыл. Ей было весело, и она сказала, что у нее дома есть марионетки всех персонажей Маугли, и мы могли бы вместе дать представление. Это было бы замечательно!
I've had Birthday. Dad presented me a new mark, "Inverted Jenny". It was so funny, I've shown it Jenny, she seems not to be offended. Jenny from the mark is a plane. And my Jenny has given me a Kipling book as a present. I liked Mowgli since childhood, I imagined how wonderful it is to live in the real jungle, in absolute freedom, when there is no need to wear that silly necktie. I have told her about it, and even howled. She was amused, and said, that she has puppets of all Mowgli characters at home, we could  make a show together. It could be so exiting!
== 10 ==
== 10 ==
Я так увлекся нашим театром, что я чуть не забыл про день рождения папы! Хорошо, что Сэм занялся подарком для него. Брат, на самом деле, уже взрослый – он купил на наши с ним карманные деньги монету у своего одноклассника. Папа был очень рад, а еще он предложил помочь нам с театром. Мы обязательно успеем к маминому дню рождения! Он у нее как раз восьмого марта, так что мы будем показывать представление для всех, но я скажу, что это в первую очередь для моей мамы! И для Дженни, конечно.
I was absolutely carried away by our theater, and has almost forgotten about dad's birthday! Luckily, Sam concerned with a Birthday present for him. Brother has actually grown up - he has bought a coin from his classmate with our pocket money. Dad was very glad, and offered us help with the theater. We will surely be in time for Mum's birthday! She has it right on the eighth of March, so we'll make the show for everyone, but I'll announce that first of all it is for Mum! And for Jenny, of course.
== 11 ==
== 11 ==
Дженни и учителя решили, что играть должны мы с Сэмом, потому что Дженни – девочка, и будет не правильно, если она сама себе будет дарить подарок. Жалко, я уже привык играть с ней вместе. А Сэмми пока только под ногами путается, и у него все время перекручиваются нитки. Я иногда сержусь, но стараюсь не кричать. Он же мой младший брат. Но у меня так быстро начало получаться управлять куклами, почему для него это так сложно?
Jenny and the teachers have decided, that I should play with Sam - Jenny is a girl, and it would be wrong, if she will make a present for herself. It's a pity, I'm used to playing with her. Sammy is too young, he just gets under feet and tangles the threads. I get angry sometimes, but try not to shout at him. He is my younger brother. But I've learned to operate the puppets so rapidly, why is it such a trouble for him?
== 12 ==
== 12 ==
Сэм сегодня не пришел на репетицию – опять гонялся за своими бабочками. У нас уже совсем мало времени, у него до сих пор не получается заставить медведя бить себя лапами в грудь, а он опять занят не тем! Это невозможно! Джо, ну как он не понимает, мы просто обязаны сделать хорошее представление!  
Sam hasn't arrived at the repetition today - has been hunting for his butterflies again. We have such a little time left, but he can't make the bear beat breast with his paw yet and occupied with wrong things again! It's just impossible! Doesn't he understand, we must make a good show!
== 13 ==
== 13 ==
Сижу на чердаке. Нет, нам даже хлопали, но я уверен, что мы могли сделать все намного лучше. Если бы я мог управлять всеми марионетками сразу… Ладно, я давно понял, что Сэму это неинтересно, ну так дали бы мне играть с Дженни. Ведь это ее куклы, и ей нравилось, а так ей пришлось просто сидеть и смотреть, как Сэм пытается справиться c двумя волчатами сразу. Хорошо, что Маугли и пантерой всегда управлял я, и они были хороши.
I'm sitting at the garret. We have even got applause, but I'm sure we could have done everything much better. If I could operate all the puppets at once... I have understood long ago that it makes no interest for Sam, but they could let me play with Jenny. For the puppets are her, and she enjoys them, but today she had to sit on her place and watch how Sam was trying to manage with two wolf-cubs at a time. Fortunately, it was me who operated Mowgli and the panther, and they have been good.
== 14 ==
== 14 ==
Так что я сижу на чердаке. Раньше я боялся сюда залазить. Мы с братом как-то уговорили папу рассказать, откуда взялось привидение. Мы тогда сидели у камина в гостиной, была зима, и опять что-то трещало и подвывало наверху. Папа долго отказывался, но Сэм может быть очень упрямым. Достав из ящика старую газету, папа открыл ее на нужном месте и начал читать, монотонным, совсем не выразительным голосом, но пробирало до костей.  
So I'm sitting at the garret. I was afraid of getting here before. Me and brother once persuaded Dad to tell us where the ghost comes from. It was winter, we were sitting by the fireplace in the living-room, and something has been cracking and whining upstairs again. Dad refused to tell it for a long time, but Sam is very stubborn sometimes. Dad took an old newspaper from the drawer, opened it at the right place and began to read in a boring, expressionless voice - but still, it was thrilling.
== 15 ==
== 15 ==
Это была статья о преступнике, который был сослан на каторгу за убийство пяти человек, но сбежал, и прибыл в Вичбридж, чтобы поквитаться с теми, кто свидетельствовал против него. В газете расплывчато говорилось о том, что он «устроил для своих обвинителей каторгу, после чего сжег дом, где они жили, вместе со всей их семьей и собой».  
He read an article about the criminal, who was transported for murdering five people, but escaped and returned to Witchbridge with the view of settling accounts with those who witnessed against him. It was written vaguely, that he "turned lives of his accusers into misery, and thereafter burned the house where they lived, with whole their family and himself".
== 16 ==
== 16 ==
Я тогда заметил, что на фотографии дома в газете была видна дубовая роща, очень похожая на ту, которая располагалась за нашим особняком. Отец сказал, что это действительно та самая роща, а прапрадед построил наш дом как раз на месте того, который сжег этот преступник. Отец просил не говорить маме о том, что он показывал нам газету, но она все равно как-то узнала. На следующий вечер мама ругала его за то, что он рассказывает нам такие ужасы.  
On the photo in that newspaper, I've noticed an oak-wood behind the house, that was very alike with the one behind our mansion. Dad said it was really that very oak-wood - grand-granddad had built our house on the place of that, burned by the criminal. Dad asked us no to tell Mum that he had shown us the newspaper, but she found it out somehow anyway. On the next evening, she scolded him for telling us such horrible things.
== 17 ==
== 17 ==
Но сейчас мне не страшно. Ну призрак, что он может сделать. Он отомстил всем, кому хотел. Мне только не понятно, почему он не сбежал из дома, а сгорел со своими жертвами. Может быть, они были важны для него? Может быть, это родственники предали его, и ему все равно не к кому было пойти? Тогда он почти граф Монте-Кристо.
But now, I'm not afraid. It's just a ghost and can make no harm. It has revenged everyone he wanted. The only thing I don't understand - why didn't he run away from the house, why burnt with his victims? Maybe, they were important to him? Maybe, he was betrayed by his relatives and had no place to go anyway? He is almost the Count of Monte Cristo than.
== 18 ==
== 18 ==
Наш дом действительно старый, его построил еще мой прапрадед в конце 19 века. За такое время здание успело бы изрядно обветшать, но 40 лет назад дедушка нашел деньги и время на реставрацию. Но чердак уже холодный, и ходят сквозняки. Вырасту и обязательно отремонтирую его. А если призрак не уйдет к тому времени, то сделаю ему комнату, и принесу книги. Ему же, наверное, скучно здесь.
Our house is actually very old - it was built as far back as at the end of the 19th century, by my grand-granddad. The building could have fallen into decay after all this time, but 40 years ago my grandpa found money and time to restore it. But the garret is already cold, there are droughts. I'll certainly repair it when I grow up! And if the ghost wouldn't leave by then, I'll make a room for him, and bring him some books. It must be boring here.
== 19 ==
== 19 ==
Когда я был маленький, то боялся не только чердака, еще подвала. Там всегда жили крысы, и сейчас живут. Нэн их прикармливает, я знаю, но маме не говорю. Няня когда-то сказала мне, что крысы в доме – полбеды, беда будет если они уйдут. Я тогда не понял, мне же даже пяти лет не было. Я шел на кухню искать ее, и заглянул в подвал – дверь была приоткрыта.
When I was younger, I was not only afraid of the garret, but also of the basement. Rats have always lived there, as they live now. I know that Nan feeds them, but I don't tell Mum. Once Nan said me, that rats in the house are half the trouble, the trouble happens when they leave. I didn't get it, I was only in my fifth year. I was looking for her in the kitchen and peeped into the basement - the door was half-opened.
== 20 ==
== 20 ==
Я заметил Нэн, и стал спускаться по лестнице, чтобы позвать ее. Но тут крыса укусила меня за ногу, и я с криком кубарем слетел со ступенек. Няня выронила банку варенья, которую искала, и обернулась. Да, наверное, она разозлилась – мальчик, испугавшийся крысенка, но мне-то крыса показалась огромной, и я был уверен, что она меня сейчас съест. Нэн отцепила крысу, отругала меня и вывела на кухню, сказав не лазить в подвал, раз я такой трусишка.
I've noticed Nan, and started descending the stairs to call her. But in that moment the rat bit my leg, I cried and fell down from the stairs, head over heels. Nan dropped jar with jam she had been looking for and turned  round. She had probably got angry - a boy who was frightened by the infant rat! - but that rat seemed huge to me, and I was sure that it would gorge me. Nan separated the rat, gave me a scolding and took to the kitchen. She forbade me to get into the basement, since I'm such a little coward.
== 21 ==
== 21 ==
Дженни в больнице! Ее сбила машина, когда вчера все расходились после представления. Боже, ну почему я вчера убежал, если бы я остался, мы наверняка задержались бы, или, наоборот, быстрее собрали бы ее кукол, но она ни в коем случае не попала бы в аварию! Это просто черная полоса. Мама говорит, что ничего страшного, Дженни придет в себя очень быстро, мы снова будем дружить. Я буду навещать ее каждый день, обещаю!
Jenny's in hospital! Yesterday after the show, when everyone was leaving, she was knocked down by a car. Oh God, why did I run away, if I remained we would have stayed a little longer, or, vice verso, packed her puppets faster, and she wouldn't have got into that accident! It all looks like a black bar. Mum says, it's not that bad, Jenny will come around soon and we'll be friends again. I'll come to see her every day, I promise!
== 22 ==
== 22 ==
Джо. Это уже слишком. Вчера ушли крысы. Мы бы и не заметили, если бы не няня. Она весь день была как на иголках. Она говорит, что в подвале тихо, как в могиле. А завтра должны приехать дедушка с бабушкой. Двоюродные, но мы это не говорим. Мама даже рада, что крысы ушли. А я не знаю. Без их топотка засыпать не уютно, вот я и пишу. Интересно, Виктория и Билл, они какие? Я их только на фотографиях видел, это Сэм у них в Дублине каждое лето проводит. Он говорит, они хорошие, но мама на них иногда сердится, потому что Сэм приезжает с ирландским акцентом и словами Виктории.
Joe. It all seems a bit steep. The rats have gone yesterday. We wouldn't have noticed, if it were not for nanny. She has been in a stew whole day. She says, it is quiet as in grave in the basement. Grandpa and grandma are coming tomorrow. They are actually grand-uncle and grand-aunt, but we don't voice it. Mum is even glad, that the rats are gone. I don't know whether to be pleased or upset about it. It is uncomfortable, falling asleep without their tread, that's why I'm writing. What kind of people are Vicoria and Bill, I wonder? I've seen them only on photographs, but Sam spends by them in Dublin every summer. He says they are nice, but Mum is sometimes angry with them, because Sam comes home with Irish accent and Victoria's words.
== 23 ==
== 23 ==
Джо, все плохо. Я попробую по порядку.
Joe, things are in a bad way. I'll try to relate the facts as they have actually happened.
На первый взгляд, Виктория и Билл казались типичной ирландской парой: дружелюбные, веселые, но при этом любящие сетовать на жизнь и свалившиеся на их голову беды. За шутками и причитаниями и прошел семейный обед, во время которого я почти все время молчал. Не смотря на открытость и доброжелательность, они мне не понравились. Что-то было в них искусственное, фальшивое. Как будто это лишь маски, под которыми скрыты совсем другие люди.  
At first sight, Victoria and Bill seemed to be a typical Irish pair: friendly, cheerful, but constantly complaining about life and their share of worries. They behaved that way - joking and wailing - during the family dinner, and I kept silence almost for the whole time. In spite of their amiability and benevolence, I didn't like them. There was something  artificial, double-minded about them. They seemed to be hiding under the  masks of entirely different people.
== 24 ==
== 24 ==
После обеда Виктория и Билл решили подарить нам игрушечную железную дорогу. Она была просто волшебна, как раз такая, о которой я мечтал: настоящий состав с кучей разных вагонов и паровозом! Я страшно обрадовался и уже хотел взять игрушку в руки, но Виктория пронесла ее мимо и отдала Сэму! И тут на меня что-то нашло. Я схватил игрушку и резко потянул ее на себя. Брат, не ожидавший этого, начал падать на пол. Виктория попыталась его поймать, но я толкнул ее, и она свалилась вслед за Сэмом, схватившись за свой локоть. А я, прижимая к себе поезд, так и остался стоять над лежащими бабушкой и братом.  
After dinner Victoria and Bill decided to present us the toy railway. It was just great, just the one I dreamed about: a real train with loads of different wagons and a steam locomotive! I was delighted and wanted to take the toy, but Victoria carried it past me and gave to Sam! In that very moment something has happened to me. I seized the toy and harshly pulled. Brother didn't expect it and started falling onto the floor. Victoria tried to catch him, but I pushed her, and she fell down after Sam, holding her elbow. And I remained standing there above lying grandmother and brother, cuddling the train.
== 25 ==
== 25 ==
Родители были в ужасе. До этого я всегда вел себя очень воспитанно и то, что произошло, было очень странно. Я и сам не понимал, почему вдруг решил отобрать эту игрушку, мы бы все равно играли вместе. После того, как помогли подняться с пола Виктории и Сэму, папа отругал меня, как не делал никогда, и поставил в угол. Это было так… неправильно, что я даже заплакал, стараясь, чтобы никто этого не увидел.  
Parents were shocked. I have always behaved mannerly before, so the very strange thing occurred. I couldn't make out myself, why have I suddenly decided to take away this toy, we would have played together anyway. After helping up Victoria and Sam, dad abused me as never before, and  stood me in a corner. It was so unfair that I even began to cry, hoping that nobody will see.  
== 26 ==
== 26 ==
Виктория отделалась ушибом, а Сэм ссадиной на коленке и легким испугом, но в доме повисло напряженное молчание. Никто не ожидал, что встреча внука с бабушкой выльется в драку. Наконец, Виктория сказала, что ей нужно немного пройтись, а Билл, разумеется, пошел вместе с ней. Папа отправил меня в детскую до вечера думать над своим поступком, и вместе с мамой и Сэмом остался в гостиной.  
Victoria got off with a bruise, Sam - with a graze on a knee and a fright, but tense silence reigned in the house. Nobody expected that  grandson's meeting with his grandmother would result into the fight. At last, Victoria said that she needs to go out for a while, and Bill has gone with her of course. Dad has sent me into the kids room to think over my behavior till evening and stayed in the living room with Mum and Sam.
== 27 ==
== 27 ==
Я знаю, чтобы был не прав. Но так бывает, когда совсем не контролируешь, что делаешь, и думать начинаешь уже после. Нет, мне совсем не жалко Викторию, но я не хотел делать больно младшему брату! Ведь Сэм совсем не причем, это Виктория специально подарила поезд ему, чтобы меня разозлить! Нет, это сейчас не важно. Мама расстроится, если я буду злится на Викторию. Ничего, я спущусь вниз и извинюсь. Вот придут бабушка с дедушкой, и извинюсь, и они увидят, что я хороший.
I know, I was wrong. But sometimes it happens so - you loose control  and start thinking only after your act. I have no pity for Victoria, but I didn't want to hurt younger brother! It was not his fault, Victoria gave him the train intentionally - to make me angry! But now it's unimportant. Mum would be upset, if I'll be angry with Victoria. It's nothing, I'll go downstairs and apologize. Grandmother and grandfather will come, and I will apologize, and they will see that I am a good boy.
== 28 ==
== 28 ==
Джо… Джо. Тебя мне оставили. За что все это, Джо? Что происходит? Почему мне никто не верит? У меня сейчас остался только ты. Я тебе расскажу, что на самом деле было.
Joe... Joe. They have left me you. What is it all for, Joe? What's going on? Why nobody trusts me? Now you're the only one I have. And I'll tell you what actually happened.
Ровно в полдень я услышал, как в дверь позвонили, и подумал, что это вернулись Виктория с Биллом. Дворецкий и няня взяли выходной, поэтому дверь должна была пойти открывать мама. Я помнил, что хочу извинится, и вышел на лестницу, когда услышал выстрел.  
Exactly at midday I've heard the doorbell, and thought that Victoria and Bill returned home. The butler and the nurse took the day off, therefore Mum should have opened the door. I remembered that I should apologize, and was on the ladder when a shot rang.
== 29 ==
== 29 ==
Звук был очень резкий и громкий, и шел со стороны прихожей. Я хорошо знал этот звук из фильмов, в которых играла мама. Я тут же сообразил, что нужно делать и понесся в кабинет. Там в ящике стола у отца лежал пистолет. В две секунды я схватил его, вставил обойму и взвел курок. До этого мне никто не показывал, как это делается, но я видел в кино. И бросился к двери. Я хотел спасти маму…
The sound was very shrilly and loud, and came from the hall. I knew this sound well from the films in which Mum played. I have immediately guessed what to do and raced into the study. There, in the drawer of fathers table, a pistol was kept. I seized it in two seconds, inserted a clip and raised the cock. Nobody showed me how to do that before, but I've seen in the cinema. And made a dash for the door. I wanted to save Mum...
== 30 ==
== 30 ==
В гостиной я увидел папу и брата, лежащих на полу. Я подбежал к ним, упал на колени, начал трясти за плечи, но они не открывали глаза. Ничего не соображая, я побежал в прихожую, оскальзываясь на мокром полу. Мама лежала рядом с входной дверью. Я сел около нее, и увидел, что она дышит, слава Богу! Значит, жива. Нужно было срочно найти кого-нибудь – по ее платью быстро расползалось красное пятно. Но что если тот, кто это сделал еще здесь?  
In the living room I found Dad and brother lying on the floor. I ran up to them, fell to my knees, started to shake them by the shoulders, but they didn't open their eyes. Binged out of my mind, I ran into the lobby, slipping on the wet floor. Mum was lying beside the entrance door. I sat down by her and noticed that she keeps breathing, thank God! It means she's alive. It was necessary to find anybody quickly - red stain on her dress was spreading rapidly. But what if the one who has committed it is still here?
== 31 ==
== 31 ==
Тут входная дверь начала открываться. Я был уверен, что это убийца, поднял пистолет, зажмурился и выстрелил. А когда открыл глаза, то увидел в проеме двери Викторию, Билла, а вместе с ними полицейского. Я бросился к нему, но Виктория закричала: «Хватайте его быстрее! Убийца!». Полицейский среагировал моментально: свалил меня с ног и выбил из руки пистолет. Точно, я же до сих пор держал его в руках…
The entrance door has started to open. I was sure - it is the murderer, so I raised a pistol, screw up my eyes and shoot. And as I opened my eyes, I saw Victoria and Bill with the policeman in a doorway. I hurried to him, but Victoria cried: "Hold him! He is the murderer!". The policeman reacted instantly: struck me down and knocked the pistol out of my hands. Precisely, I had still been holding it in my hands...
== 32 ==
== 32 ==
Суд был быстрым. Виктория и Билл, как ближайшие родственники, уверяли присяжных, что «мальчик сущий дьявол, и, конечно же, именно он застрелил свою семью». Свидетелей не было, так что никто, кроме меня, не мог им возразить. Выяснилось, что у убийцы пистолет был того же калибра, что и папин, а тот факт, что я пытался стрелять в бабушку с дедушкой и представителя правопорядка не оставляли мне никаких шансов. Я был в отчаянии от горя, несправедливости и собственного бессилия. Я говорил им, что хотел спасти своих родных, поэтому и взял пистолет, но мне никто не верил.  
The court didn't last for long. Victoria and Bill, as close relatives, assured jury that "The boy is a real devil, and has certainly shot his family". There were no witnesses and nobody except me could object them. It was found out, that murderers pistol was of same caliber as Dads, and the fact that I tried to shoot down my grandparents and the representative of law and order  left me no chances. I was in despair because of grief, injustice and  impotence. I said them that I wanted to save my family, and therefore took the pistol, but nobody trusted me.
== 33 ==
== 33 ==
Хорошо, что маму успели спасти. Но она в коме. Я до последнего надеялся, что она быстро выйдет из нее, что скажет всем, что я не виноват, а настоящего убийцу поймают и накажут, но этого не произошло. Виктория и Билл поселились в нашем особняке, чтобы, как они сказали, ухаживать за мамой, а меня приговорили к тюремному заключению.  
Thank God they had enough time to rescue Mum. But she is in coma. To the last, I kept hoping that she would emerge from coma soon and tell everyone that I'm not guilty, and the real murderer will be caught and punished, but it didn't happen. Victoria and Bill now live in our house - as they said, to look after Mum, and I'm sentenced to imprisonment.
== 34 ==
== 34 ==
Я здесь – Маленький Джонни, Немой Джонни. Я правда почти не говорю, и я самый младший из всех. Страшный маленький мальчик, меня так боятся. Во взглядах читается одинаковая мысль «Какой кошмар, он убил всю семью!» Меня отправили бы в лечебницу, но судебный врач сказал, что я здоров. Первые девять месяцев я буду сидеть в одиночной камере. Хорошо. Если меня не слушают, я все сделаю сам.
Here I am Little Johnny, Mute Johnny. I really almost don't speak, and I'm the youngest. That scary little boy, they are so afraid of me. Same thought is read in their sights: "How terrible, he has killed his family!" I was sent to the clinic, but the judicial doctor said that I'm healthy. First nine months I will sit in the separate cell. It is good. If they don't listen to me, I will do everything myself.
== 35 ==
== 35 ==
Да, Джо, я давно не писал. У меня отобрали ложку, и перевели в другую камеру. Ту им придется ремонтировать – я оторвал пластину обивки, и выдолбил не малую дыру в бетоне. Прошло девять месяцев, или это просто была проверка? Я не считал дни, я не знаю. Из одиночной меня не переведут, похоже, и хорошо. Меня не было какое-то время, ты видел, я был в сегрегейшене. Это маленькая комната для буйных. Ничего. Я не остановлюсь.
Yes, Joe, I haven't written for a long time. They took away the spoon and transferred me into another cell. The previous one is to be repaired - I tore off the upholstery plate and hollowed out a  sizable hole in concrete. Nine months have already passed, or was it just an inspection? I didn't count the days, I don't know. Looks like I won't be transferred from solitary cell, and this is for the better. I've been away for some time - you've noticed - I've been in segregation. It's a small cell for violent. All right. I won't stop.
== 36 ==
== 36 ==
Сегрегейшн стал карцером, они не включают свет. Темнота, тишина. Мне не страшно, я думаю над следующим планом. Карцер, попытка, карцер… Они боятся меня, моей одержимости. Мама, я приду, не бойся, мама. Я не хочу никого убивать, я не буду пробовать этот путь, пока остаются другие, нет. Но если не выйдет, мама… Для тебя, я сделаю это.
Segregation turned into punishment cell, they don't switch on the light. Darkness, silence. I'm not scared, I'm thinking over next plan. Punishment cell, an attempt, punishment cell... They are afraid of me, of my obsession. Mum, I'll come, fear not, Mum. I don't want to kill, I won't try this way  until there are others, no. But if it will come to nothing, Mum... For you, I'll do it.
== 37 ==
== 37 ==
Меня больше не водят в столовую с другими, я гуляю во дворе только когда там нет никого, кроме охраны и камер. Я дурно влияю на остальных, да, стремление к свободе заразно. Пластиковая посуда «ах я сломал ложку, я выкинул ее в унитаз» - они не беспокоятся. Она же пластиковая, да… Меня водят в школу, я хорошо учусь, мама, ты будешь рада, когда я покажу дневник. По биологии – только отлично…
I don't attend dining room with the others anymore, I walk in the prison yard when there is nobody around, only the guards and cameras. I have bad influence on others, yes, desire for freedom is infectious. Tableware is made of plastic -- "oh, I've broken a spoon, I have thrown out into the toilet bowl" - they don't worry. It is plastic, after all... I go to school, I study well, Mum, you will be pleased when I'll show you my diary. For biology - excellent marks only...
== 38 ==
== 38 ==
Человек сделан таким хрупким, столько артерий и вен у самой кожи, столько нервных узлов… Я отжимаюсь в карцере, в спортивный зал меня тоже пускают – когда там больше никого нет, конечно… Я все такой же тощий, кто знает, насколько сильными могут быть худые руки. В сегрегейшене темно. Они не видят, что я делаю…
Human beings are so fragile, there are so many arteries and veins under the skin, so many nerve knots... I do press-ups in the punishment cell, and they  let me into the gym - when there's nobody about, of course... I am still so  emaciated, who knows how strong thin arms can be. It is dark in segregation. They can't see what I do...
== 39 ==
== 39 ==
Один короткий удар в основание черепа – и охранник без сознания. Я думал, я смогу, но меня снова поймали. Ха-ха. Они думают, это мой козырь – нет. Я пока в камере, но скоро отведут в сегрегейшен, уверен. Я так хорошо знаю дорогу туда – со двора, со стены, из камеры, столовой, охранного поста… Ну же. Кто придет за мной теперь? Я жду.
One short stroke into the skull base - and the security guard is unconscious. I thought I'll succeed, but I'm caught again. Huh. They think it's my trump card - they are mistaken. Now I'm in the cell, but I bet they'll take me away to segregation soon. I know the way perfectly - from the prison yard, from the wall, from the cell, from the dining room, from security post... Well. Who's coming for me now? I'm waiting.
== 40 ==
== 40 ==
Я даже смог забрать тебя, Джо. Ах, проблемы с электричеством, где-то утечка и весь корпус без света. Безопасность, я обожаю нынешние стандарты. И что теперь, благодаря вашей боязни случайной смерти на свободе «опасный преступник». Все было просто, теперь сложней. Первая тюрьма для малолеток далеко от Вичбриджа, но это не важно. Мама. Я уже совсем скоро.
I could even take you with me, Joe. Oh, problems with electricity, a leak somewhere and the whole building without light. It's safety, I adore present standards. And now, owing to your accidental death fear, "a dangerous criminal" is free. It was simple, now it's getting difficult. The first juvey is far from Witchbridge, but it's unimportant. Mummy. I'm already coming.
== 41 ==
== 41 ==
Хорошо жить в не большой стране, из конца в конец – пара недель пешего хода. Попутки, ворованные деньги – простите, мне нужно. Плакаты с лицом… Чьи безумные глаза смотрят на меня? Я уже видел их в поверхности луж и отражениях витрин. Пряди в волосах белые, как молоко… Что ж, за свободу нужно платить жизнью. Как минимум ее частью, но это того стоит. Мама, мне осталось всего десяток километров.
It is good to live in a small country, from end to end - couple of weeks on foot. Passing cars, stolen money - I'm sorry, I'm in need. Posters with face... Whose mad eyes are looking at me? I have already seen them in the puddles and reflexions of shop-windows. Locks in hair white as milk... Well, you have to pay for freedom with your life. At least with its part, but it is worth it. Mum, I'm just ten miles away.
== 42 ==
== 42 ==
Никого… Холод и дождь, я продрог… Грязь под ногами, с волос течет мутная вода, кладбищенская земля размокла и впиталась в одежду. Мама, почему, мама… Я же старался как мог. На небе нет никого, если позволено такое, мама! Я бежал для тебя, что мне делать теперь, мама? Кэтлин Элиза Фолл. Осень. Ты умерла спустя год после того дня. Мама… Прости, что я не успел. Они не дали мне быть с тобой, мама, они обвинили меня в смерти отца и брата! Я был нужен тебе, я знаю, но они отняли у меня свободу так легко, мановением руки. Люди не ценят свободу. Я научу. Обещаю тебе, мама. И ты знаешь, с кого я начну.
Nobody here... It's cold, it rains, I'm chilled... Dirt under my feet, muddy water flowing from my hair, graveyard earth is sodden and soaks into my clothes. Mummy, why? Oh, Mummy... I've tried my damnedest. There is nobody up there in the skies if such things happen, Mum! I've escaped to help you, what shall I do now, Mum? Kathleen Elisa Foll. Autumn. You have died a year after that day. Mum... Forgive me that I am late. They didn't allow me to be with you, Mum, they accused me of father's and brother's death! I know, you  needed me, but they have taken my freedom away so easily, with a wave of a hand. People do not appreciate freedom. I'll teach them. I promise, Mum. And you know, who will be the first.

Latest revision as of 18:19, 9 November 2015


Hello, Dear Diary. I'll call you Joe, ok? We are almost namesakes with you - my name is John. Mum gave you to me as a present, in order that I could tell you my thoughts, while she is absent. At first, let me tell you about my family.


My mother is an actress, people even recognize her in the streets. Sometimes... Witchbridge is a small town, but Mum says it's to the better - otherwise we would have had no rest. I don't quite get why not to live in London, but she is probably right. And my Dad prints books. Well, not himself, but he has many people who print books. They are all in London as well.


We have huge library, because they send Dad a copy of every printed book. However, they are sometimes rejected, and then me or Sam are asked to repair them. I like it, but Sam isn't old enough, and often spills the glue onto the floor. He is my brother, so I'm not angry about him, and always tell that it was me who spilled the glue. However, it seems to me Dad guesses about it anyway.


Mum is gone on tour again, so I'll talk with you. Today Dad read us Robin Hood. He does it in a fantastic way! If I close my eyes, it seems to me that I'm actually in Sherwood. And I have read it to the end for the first time. Dad has never read us the last story, when Robin dies. Sam gets disappointed, when heroes die, that's why every time Dad invents a new last story for him. Now I know what actually happened, and I'll invent happy endings for Sam, too. Formerly, Dad often told us stories about ourselves, and there I always defended Sam. I was even stronger than Dad!


Sam keeps being offended after his return from Grandma and Grandpa. He refuses to talk even with me. Yesterday, while we had supper with Dad and talked about Mum, he said that Victoria told him that for Mum job comes first. Dad was very upset, me too. Why job comes first? We come first for her! They know nothing at all about her! When Mum comes home, we are always together. We have great time, and always go somewhere. Last time we have been in attractions park. It was such a fun! It's truly a holiday when Mum is here. It is even to the better, that we are not always together, otherwise it would not be so joyful.


Music teacher came today. Mum invited him to teach me playing violin. I'm fond of music, and Mr. Violon said I have a good ear. When he plays, I have a pump in my throat, and my heart aches. The sounds of violin are so... anxious. I've never thought I would be a violinist, but I could try. At least, our first lesson was interesting.


Oh, Joe, I haven't told you about school yet! School year began not so long ago, and we have a new school uniform. I hoped that they will remove that stupid necktie! When Nan puts it on me, I feel like sentenced to death. But if you loose it on the sly, some of the teachers will surely notice and scold you.


Joe, we have a new girl in class! Her name is Jane, and she loves reading. She was seated with me, teacher said, that I'm the most polite boy in class, and I shall tell her about our school. During the break, I've shown Jane the classrooms and the garden. Last year we planted trees there, and everyone has put a plate with her or his name onto her or his tree. In many years, the plates will get very high! We've agreed, that Jenny will also plant a tree. She told about her school. They had a book club for kids and a puppet theater. I think, we shall also organize these things!


I've had Birthday. Dad presented me a new mark, "Inverted Jenny". It was so funny, I've shown it Jenny, she seems not to be offended. Jenny from the mark is a plane. And my Jenny has given me a Kipling book as a present. I liked Mowgli since childhood, I imagined how wonderful it is to live in the real jungle, in absolute freedom, when there is no need to wear that silly necktie. I have told her about it, and even howled. She was amused, and said, that she has puppets of all Mowgli characters at home, we could make a show together. It could be so exiting!


I was absolutely carried away by our theater, and has almost forgotten about dad's birthday! Luckily, Sam concerned with a Birthday present for him. Brother has actually grown up - he has bought a coin from his classmate with our pocket money. Dad was very glad, and offered us help with the theater. We will surely be in time for Mum's birthday! She has it right on the eighth of March, so we'll make the show for everyone, but I'll announce that first of all it is for Mum! And for Jenny, of course.


Jenny and the teachers have decided, that I should play with Sam - Jenny is a girl, and it would be wrong, if she will make a present for herself. It's a pity, I'm used to playing with her. Sammy is too young, he just gets under feet and tangles the threads. I get angry sometimes, but try not to shout at him. He is my younger brother. But I've learned to operate the puppets so rapidly, why is it such a trouble for him?


Sam hasn't arrived at the repetition today - has been hunting for his butterflies again. We have such a little time left, but he can't make the bear beat breast with his paw yet and occupied with wrong things again! It's just impossible! Doesn't he understand, we must make a good show!


I'm sitting at the garret. We have even got applause, but I'm sure we could have done everything much better. If I could operate all the puppets at once... I have understood long ago that it makes no interest for Sam, but they could let me play with Jenny. For the puppets are her, and she enjoys them, but today she had to sit on her place and watch how Sam was trying to manage with two wolf-cubs at a time. Fortunately, it was me who operated Mowgli and the panther, and they have been good.


So I'm sitting at the garret. I was afraid of getting here before. Me and brother once persuaded Dad to tell us where the ghost comes from. It was winter, we were sitting by the fireplace in the living-room, and something has been cracking and whining upstairs again. Dad refused to tell it for a long time, but Sam is very stubborn sometimes. Dad took an old newspaper from the drawer, opened it at the right place and began to read in a boring, expressionless voice - but still, it was thrilling.


He read an article about the criminal, who was transported for murdering five people, but escaped and returned to Witchbridge with the view of settling accounts with those who witnessed against him. It was written vaguely, that he "turned lives of his accusers into misery, and thereafter burned the house where they lived, with whole their family and himself".


On the photo in that newspaper, I've noticed an oak-wood behind the house, that was very alike with the one behind our mansion. Dad said it was really that very oak-wood - grand-granddad had built our house on the place of that, burned by the criminal. Dad asked us no to tell Mum that he had shown us the newspaper, but she found it out somehow anyway. On the next evening, she scolded him for telling us such horrible things.


But now, I'm not afraid. It's just a ghost and can make no harm. It has revenged everyone he wanted. The only thing I don't understand - why didn't he run away from the house, why burnt with his victims? Maybe, they were important to him? Maybe, he was betrayed by his relatives and had no place to go anyway? He is almost the Count of Monte Cristo than.


Our house is actually very old - it was built as far back as at the end of the 19th century, by my grand-granddad. The building could have fallen into decay after all this time, but 40 years ago my grandpa found money and time to restore it. But the garret is already cold, there are droughts. I'll certainly repair it when I grow up! And if the ghost wouldn't leave by then, I'll make a room for him, and bring him some books. It must be boring here.


When I was younger, I was not only afraid of the garret, but also of the basement. Rats have always lived there, as they live now. I know that Nan feeds them, but I don't tell Mum. Once Nan said me, that rats in the house are half the trouble, the trouble happens when they leave. I didn't get it, I was only in my fifth year. I was looking for her in the kitchen and peeped into the basement - the door was half-opened.


I've noticed Nan, and started descending the stairs to call her. But in that moment the rat bit my leg, I cried and fell down from the stairs, head over heels. Nan dropped jar with jam she had been looking for and turned round. She had probably got angry - a boy who was frightened by the infant rat! - but that rat seemed huge to me, and I was sure that it would gorge me. Nan separated the rat, gave me a scolding and took to the kitchen. She forbade me to get into the basement, since I'm such a little coward.


Jenny's in hospital! Yesterday after the show, when everyone was leaving, she was knocked down by a car. Oh God, why did I run away, if I remained we would have stayed a little longer, or, vice verso, packed her puppets faster, and she wouldn't have got into that accident! It all looks like a black bar. Mum says, it's not that bad, Jenny will come around soon and we'll be friends again. I'll come to see her every day, I promise!


Joe. It all seems a bit steep. The rats have gone yesterday. We wouldn't have noticed, if it were not for nanny. She has been in a stew whole day. She says, it is quiet as in grave in the basement. Grandpa and grandma are coming tomorrow. They are actually grand-uncle and grand-aunt, but we don't voice it. Mum is even glad, that the rats are gone. I don't know whether to be pleased or upset about it. It is uncomfortable, falling asleep without their tread, that's why I'm writing. What kind of people are Vicoria and Bill, I wonder? I've seen them only on photographs, but Sam spends by them in Dublin every summer. He says they are nice, but Mum is sometimes angry with them, because Sam comes home with Irish accent and Victoria's words.


Joe, things are in a bad way. I'll try to relate the facts as they have actually happened.

At first sight, Victoria and Bill seemed to be a typical Irish pair: friendly, cheerful, but constantly complaining about life and their share of worries. They behaved that way - joking and wailing - during the family dinner, and I kept silence almost for the whole time. In spite of their amiability and benevolence, I didn't like them. There was something artificial, double-minded about them. They seemed to be hiding under the masks of entirely different people.


After dinner Victoria and Bill decided to present us the toy railway. It was just great, just the one I dreamed about: a real train with loads of different wagons and a steam locomotive! I was delighted and wanted to take the toy, but Victoria carried it past me and gave to Sam! In that very moment something has happened to me. I seized the toy and harshly pulled. Brother didn't expect it and started falling onto the floor. Victoria tried to catch him, but I pushed her, and she fell down after Sam, holding her elbow. And I remained standing there above lying grandmother and brother, cuddling the train.


Parents were shocked. I have always behaved mannerly before, so the very strange thing occurred. I couldn't make out myself, why have I suddenly decided to take away this toy, we would have played together anyway. After helping up Victoria and Sam, dad abused me as never before, and stood me in a corner. It was so unfair that I even began to cry, hoping that nobody will see.


Victoria got off with a bruise, Sam - with a graze on a knee and a fright, but tense silence reigned in the house. Nobody expected that grandson's meeting with his grandmother would result into the fight. At last, Victoria said that she needs to go out for a while, and Bill has gone with her of course. Dad has sent me into the kids room to think over my behavior till evening and stayed in the living room with Mum and Sam.


I know, I was wrong. But sometimes it happens so - you loose control and start thinking only after your act. I have no pity for Victoria, but I didn't want to hurt younger brother! It was not his fault, Victoria gave him the train intentionally - to make me angry! But now it's unimportant. Mum would be upset, if I'll be angry with Victoria. It's nothing, I'll go downstairs and apologize. Grandmother and grandfather will come, and I will apologize, and they will see that I am a good boy.


Joe... Joe. They have left me you. What is it all for, Joe? What's going on? Why nobody trusts me? Now you're the only one I have. And I'll tell you what actually happened.

Exactly at midday I've heard the doorbell, and thought that Victoria and Bill returned home. The butler and the nurse took the day off, therefore Mum should have opened the door. I remembered that I should apologize, and was on the ladder when a shot rang.


The sound was very shrilly and loud, and came from the hall. I knew this sound well from the films in which Mum played. I have immediately guessed what to do and raced into the study. There, in the drawer of fathers table, a pistol was kept. I seized it in two seconds, inserted a clip and raised the cock. Nobody showed me how to do that before, but I've seen in the cinema. And made a dash for the door. I wanted to save Mum...


In the living room I found Dad and brother lying on the floor. I ran up to them, fell to my knees, started to shake them by the shoulders, but they didn't open their eyes. Binged out of my mind, I ran into the lobby, slipping on the wet floor. Mum was lying beside the entrance door. I sat down by her and noticed that she keeps breathing, thank God! It means she's alive. It was necessary to find anybody quickly - red stain on her dress was spreading rapidly. But what if the one who has committed it is still here?


The entrance door has started to open. I was sure - it is the murderer, so I raised a pistol, screw up my eyes and shoot. And as I opened my eyes, I saw Victoria and Bill with the policeman in a doorway. I hurried to him, but Victoria cried: "Hold him! He is the murderer!". The policeman reacted instantly: struck me down and knocked the pistol out of my hands. Precisely, I had still been holding it in my hands...


The court didn't last for long. Victoria and Bill, as close relatives, assured jury that "The boy is a real devil, and has certainly shot his family". There were no witnesses and nobody except me could object them. It was found out, that murderers pistol was of same caliber as Dads, and the fact that I tried to shoot down my grandparents and the representative of law and order left me no chances. I was in despair because of grief, injustice and impotence. I said them that I wanted to save my family, and therefore took the pistol, but nobody trusted me.


Thank God they had enough time to rescue Mum. But she is in coma. To the last, I kept hoping that she would emerge from coma soon and tell everyone that I'm not guilty, and the real murderer will be caught and punished, but it didn't happen. Victoria and Bill now live in our house - as they said, to look after Mum, and I'm sentenced to imprisonment.


Here I am Little Johnny, Mute Johnny. I really almost don't speak, and I'm the youngest. That scary little boy, they are so afraid of me. Same thought is read in their sights: "How terrible, he has killed his family!" I was sent to the clinic, but the judicial doctor said that I'm healthy. First nine months I will sit in the separate cell. It is good. If they don't listen to me, I will do everything myself.


Yes, Joe, I haven't written for a long time. They took away the spoon and transferred me into another cell. The previous one is to be repaired - I tore off the upholstery plate and hollowed out a sizable hole in concrete. Nine months have already passed, or was it just an inspection? I didn't count the days, I don't know. Looks like I won't be transferred from solitary cell, and this is for the better. I've been away for some time - you've noticed - I've been in segregation. It's a small cell for violent. All right. I won't stop.


Segregation turned into punishment cell, they don't switch on the light. Darkness, silence. I'm not scared, I'm thinking over next plan. Punishment cell, an attempt, punishment cell... They are afraid of me, of my obsession. Mum, I'll come, fear not, Mum. I don't want to kill, I won't try this way until there are others, no. But if it will come to nothing, Mum... For you, I'll do it.


I don't attend dining room with the others anymore, I walk in the prison yard when there is nobody around, only the guards and cameras. I have bad influence on others, yes, desire for freedom is infectious. Tableware is made of plastic -- "oh, I've broken a spoon, I have thrown out into the toilet bowl" - they don't worry. It is plastic, after all... I go to school, I study well, Mum, you will be pleased when I'll show you my diary. For biology - excellent marks only...


Human beings are so fragile, there are so many arteries and veins under the skin, so many nerve knots... I do press-ups in the punishment cell, and they let me into the gym - when there's nobody about, of course... I am still so emaciated, who knows how strong thin arms can be. It is dark in segregation. They can't see what I do...


One short stroke into the skull base - and the security guard is unconscious. I thought I'll succeed, but I'm caught again. Huh. They think it's my trump card - they are mistaken. Now I'm in the cell, but I bet they'll take me away to segregation soon. I know the way perfectly - from the prison yard, from the wall, from the cell, from the dining room, from security post... Well. Who's coming for me now? I'm waiting.


I could even take you with me, Joe. Oh, problems with electricity, a leak somewhere and the whole building without light. It's safety, I adore present standards. And now, owing to your accidental death fear, "a dangerous criminal" is free. It was simple, now it's getting difficult. The first juvey is far from Witchbridge, but it's unimportant. Mummy. I'm already coming.


It is good to live in a small country, from end to end - couple of weeks on foot. Passing cars, stolen money - I'm sorry, I'm in need. Posters with face... Whose mad eyes are looking at me? I have already seen them in the puddles and reflexions of shop-windows. Locks in hair white as milk... Well, you have to pay for freedom with your life. At least with its part, but it is worth it. Mum, I'm just ten miles away.


Nobody here... It's cold, it rains, I'm chilled... Dirt under my feet, muddy water flowing from my hair, graveyard earth is sodden and soaks into my clothes. Mummy, why? Oh, Mummy... I've tried my damnedest. There is nobody up there in the skies if such things happen, Mum! I've escaped to help you, what shall I do now, Mum? Kathleen Elisa Foll. Autumn. You have died a year after that day. Mum... Forgive me that I am late. They didn't allow me to be with you, Mum, they accused me of father's and brother's death! I know, you needed me, but they have taken my freedom away so easily, with a wave of a hand. People do not appreciate freedom. I'll teach them. I promise, Mum. And you know, who will be the first.

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