All Rooms Puzzle Pieces

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Index: Real Rooms Page 1-3 Ghostly Rooms Page 4-5 Damned Rooms Page 6

Important Information: Puzzle pieces № 24 can be received ONLY by completing quests. They cannot be: found in the rooms, received as gifts from friends (that is why they cannot be added to the wish list), purchased in the store (read the description carefully when purchasing puzzles – there is a warning about the piece number 24). Exception: Bathroom, Photolab, Garage, Indian Room

To get puzzle pieces you need to achieve specific “Skill Level” in that Room. Skill level 'Beginner' to get very common items and Puzzle pieces Skill level 'Specialist' to get common items and Puzzle pieces Skill level 'Professional' to get Rare Items and Puzzle pieces Skill level 'Master' to get very Rare Items and Puzzle pieces

Caution: Quest names may be slightly different as following information is translated from Russian. Real Rooms

Real Rooms Where to Find Puzzle Pieces Kitchen № 1-23 Kitchen / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-23 rare Kitchen № 24 through Quest “Find The Door” by Puppeteer Living Room № 1-23 Living Room / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-23 rare Living Room № 24 through Quest “The First Key” by Puppeteer (go through kitchen in cache mode) you must have already completed Kitchen Puzzle Basement № 1-23 Basement / 1-8 very common, 9-16 common, 17-23 rare Basement № 24 through Quest “The Second Key” by Puppeteer (go through living room in cache mode) you must have already completed Living Room Puzzle Hallway № 1-23 Hallway / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-23 rare Hallway № 24 through Quest “The Third Key” by Puppeteer (go through basement in cache mode) you must have already completed Basement Puzzle Children Room № 1-23 Children Room / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-19 rare, 20-23 very rare Children Room № 24 through Quest “The Fourth Key” by Puppeteer you must have already completed Hallway Puzzle Library № 1-23 Library/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Library № 24 through Quest “The Fifth Key” by Puppeteer you must have already completed Children Room Puzzle Atic № 1-23 Attic/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Atic № 20 through Quest “Test of Patience” by Puppeteer Atic № 23 through Quest “Six Keys” by Puppeteer Atic № 24 through Quest “Seance” by Tan. for details click here Bedroom № 1-23 Bedroom / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-19 rare, 20-23 very rare Bedroom № 24 through Quest “Defuse the Trap” by Ryan (Season 2, Collection 20 “Vietnamese Trap”) Winter Garden № 1-23 Winter Garden/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Winter Garden № 24 through Quest “Weird Riddle” by Note Film Theater № 1-23 Film Theater/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Film Theater № 24 through Quest “Packing Findings” by Jenny Study № 1-23 Study/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Study № 24 through Quest “All According to Plan” by Matt Lair № 1-23 Lair/ 1-4 very common, 5-8 common, 9-12 rare, 13-23 very rare Lair № 24 Through quest ‘Fusion’ - 4th Season of the game Photolab № 1-23 Photolab/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Photolab № 24 can purchase piece 24 through puzzle window. please look here Bathroom № 1-23 Bathroom / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Bathroom № 24 can purchase piece 24 through puzzle window. please look here Indian Room № 1-23 Indian Room/ 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Indian Room № 24 This piece will unlock in the "Indian Room" by completing quest "Gentleman's set". This quest will not give you the piece rather it will only unlock it in the room. Now you have to find the piece by going through the room again and again. Similarly as you find other pieces. Garage № 1-23 Garage / 1-6 very common, 7-12 common, 13-18 rare, 19-23 very rare Garage № 24 Available by Purchase. Abandoned Room № 1-24 All pieces available in Abandoned room. This puzzle is available only for third season players Stanza № 1-24 All pieces available in Stanza Cellar № 1-24 All pieces available in the Cellar

� Ghostly Rooms

Ghostly Rooms Where to Find Puzzle Pieces Well № 1-23 Kitchen / 1-6 common, 7-17 rare, 18-23 very rare Well № 24 through Quest “Maiden’s Invitation” by Druid Oak № 1-23 Living Room / 1-6 common, 7-17 rare, 18-23 very rare Kitchen (ghost mode) / 1-7 very common, 8-14 common, 15-21 rare, 22-23 very rare Oak № 24 through Quest “Harp From The Other Side” by Filida Crypt № 1-23 Basement / 1-6 common, 7-16 rare, 17-23 very rare Living Room (ghost mode) / 1-7 very common, 8-14 common, 15-21 rare, 22-23 very rare Crypt № 24 through Quest “Control Panel” by Ryan Collection 2.9 Stone Circle № 1-23 Hallway / 1-6 common, 7-16 rare, 17-23 very rare Basement (ghost mode) / 1-7 very common, 8-14 common, 15-21 rare, 22-23 very rare Stone Circle № 24 through Quest “Old Man’s Life” by Druid/Arlene Boudoir № 1-23 Children Room / 1-5 common, 6-15 rare, 16-23 very rare Hallway (ghost mode) / 1-6 very common, 7-13 common, 14-20 rare, 21-23 very rare Boudoir № 24 through Quest “Maiden’s Life” by Tan (Season 2, Collection 29 “Life of the Maiden”) Lounge № 1-23 Library / 1-5 common, 6-15 rare, 16-23 very rare Children Room (ghost mode) / 1-6 very common, 7-13 common, 14-20 rare, 21-23 very rare Lounge № 24 through Quest “Answer” by Tan (Season 2, collection 32 “hidden knowledge”) Closet № 1-23 Attic/ 1-5 common, 6-15 rare, 16-23 very rare Library (ghost mode) / 1-6 very common, 7-13 common, 14-20 rare, 21-23 very rare Closet № 24 through Quest “Routine” by Leonard Marie’s Bedroom № 1-23 Bedroom / 1-5 common, 6-15 rare, 16-23 very rare Attic (ghost mode) / 1-6 very common, 7-13 common, 14-20 rare, 21-23 very rare Marie’s Bedroom № 24 through “Quest “Fire” by Leonard Dining Room 1-23 Study / 1-5 common, 6-15 rare, 16-23 very rare Bedroom (ghost mode) / 1-6 very common, 7-13 common, 14-20 rare, 21-23 very rare Dining Room № 24 through quest ‘Fortune-Telling with a Mirror’ by Marie

� Damned Rooms

Damned Rooms Where to Find Puzzle Pieces Damned Warmth № 1-23

Kitchen / 1-7 very common, 8-14 common, 15-21 rare, 22-23 very rare Damned Warmth № 24 through 3rd season Quest “Insistent Invitation” by Sam Damned Freedom № 1-23

Hallway / 1-7 very common, 8-14 common, 15-21 rare, 22-23 very rare Damned Freedom № 24 through 3rd season Quest “Insistent Invitation” by Sam Damned Hope № 1-23 Basement in ghost mode, Invisible Ink, against time, Mirror Room. Damned Hope № 24 Through 4th season quest ‘Important Thing’ by Isami. Go through basement in cache mode.

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